Finally Made It: AmeyawDebrah.Com wins Best Entertainment/Showbiz Blog in Ghana
After ending year 2013 with several nominations, I finally picked up an award at the maiden Ghana Social Media Awards organized by BloggingGhana and sponsored by tiGO with support from Google Ghana and the US Embassy. I knew that if I were ever going to win an award it would come from such a community of like-minded individuals who have embraced the power of new media. It means the more to me to have been nominated and selected as winner by peers, readers and social media enthusiasts. I want to say a big ‘thank you’ to all my readers who have made me relevant in the over 4-year existence of God Bless you. I also thank all those who voted for me and the Ghana Media Awards Jury for endorsing me. A special thanks to BloggingGhana for organizing such an award scheme generally, and I share my award with all the other nominees; particularly for the amazing synergy that exist between our two blogs. I am encouraged to do more to promote the art and entertainment scene; my vision to grow a celebrity culture in Ghana while showing the world Ghanaian lifestyles has only received a boost and with your help and support the journey has just begun. God bless you all! Check out the full list of winners for the 2013 Ghana Social Media Award #blogcampGhana2013: Best Original Content
Best Creative, Literary Short Stories, Poetry Blog Best Organisational Blog Best Technology Blog Best Citizen Journalism Blog Organisation with Best Social Media Presence Personality with Best Social Media Presence Best Business & Commerce Blog Best Showbiz and Entertainment Blog Best Lifestyle Blog Best Activist Blog Best Photo Blog Best Blog ]]>