People & Lifestyle

How to Build a WhatsApp Chatbot for Product Recommendations?



Imagine a personal shopping assistant available 24/7, giving product recommendations to your preferences. This is what a WhatsApp chat bot offers. With 2 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp provides a vast customer base for businesses to engage with. Building a WhatsApp chatbot can revolutionize your customer engagement strategy, whether you’re a small business owner or a developer for a large enterprise. 

In this article, we’ll get you through the process of building a successful WhatsApp chatbot, from basics to advanced features, to enhance customer experience and drive sales.

Why Build a WhatsApp Chatbot for Product Recommendations?

A WhatsApp chatbot is an automated software application that can interact with users via the WhatsApp messaging platform. It uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to understand and respond to user queries in a human-like manner. 


For product recommendations, these chatbots can analyze user preferences, search databases, and provide personalized suggestions. Before discussing the process, let’s understand why building a WhatsApp chatbot for product recommendations is a great idea. 

Here are some compelling reasons:

  • Personalization: A chatbot can offer personalized product recommendations based on customer preferences and behavior.
  • Convenience: Customers can interact with the chatbot at their convenience, 24/7.
  • Scalability: A chatbot can handle multiple customer interactions simultaneously, making it an efficient business solution.
  • Cost-effective: Building a chatbot is more cost-effective than maintaining a human customer support team.
  • Widespread Adoption: With over 2 billion active users, WhatsApp is among the most popular messaging apps globally.
  • High Engagement Rates: Users tend to check their messages frequently, ensuring high visibility and interaction.
  • Rich Media Support: WhatsApp supports text, images, videos, and links, allowing for a rich and engaging user experience.
  • Real-Time Interaction: Instant communication means users get immediate responses, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Steps to Build a WhatsApp Chatbot for Product Recommendations

53% of customers prefer to shop with businesses that offer support through messaging apps and WhatsApp Business has over 50 million active businesses worldwide.

1: Define the Chatbot’s Purpose and Functionality:


Before building the chatbot, define its purpose and functionality. Determine what products or services you want to recommend and what features you want to include. Some common features include:

  • Product Search: Allow customers to search for products by name, category, or description.
  • Product recommendations: Offer personalized product recommendations based on customer preferences and behavior.
  • Product information: Provide detailed product information, including pricing, availability, and reviews.

2: Choose a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider:

To build a WhatsApp chatbot, you need to partner with a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP). 

Some popular options include:

  • Twilio: A cloud communication platform that offers a WhatsApp Business API.
  • MessageBird: A cloud communication platform that offers a WhatsApp Business API.
  • FM WhatsApp: A user-friendly modified version of the official WhatsApp app called FM WhatsApp that offers additional business features.

3: Design the Chatbot’s Conversation Flow:

Design the chatbot’s conversation flow to ensure a smooth and intuitive user experience. Use a conversation flow diagram to visualize the chatbot’s interactions with customers. 


Some popular tools for designing conversation flows include:

  • ManyChat: A popular chatbot-building platform that offers a visual conversation flow designer.
  • Dialogflow: A Google-owned platform that offers a conversation flow designer for building chatbots.


4: Build the Chatbot:

Now comes the technical part, developing the chatbot. Use a chatbot-building platform or a programming language like Python or JavaScript to build the chatbot. 

Some popular chatbot-building platforms include:

  • ManyChat: A popular chatbot-building platform that offers a visual interface for building chatbots.
  • Chatfuel: A popular chatbot-building platform that offers a visual interface for building chatbots.

1. Design the Conversation Flow:

  • Map out the user journey and the various interactions your chatbot will handle.
  • Create a flowchart to visualize the conversation paths, including greetings, product inquiries, recommendations, and feedback.

2.. Integrate NLP:

  • Use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to enable the chatbot to understand user inputs.
  • Platforms like Dialogflow offer pre-built NLP models that can be customized for your needs.

3. Connect to Product Database:

  • Ensure your chatbot can access your product database to provide real-time recommendations.
  • Use APIs to fetch product information based on user queries.

4. Implement Machine Learning:

  • Incorporate machine learning algorithms to analyze user preferences and improve recommendations over time.
  • Gather data from user interactions to refine your recommendation engine.

5. Test and Iterate:

Before launching, thoroughly test your chatbot to identify and fix any bugs. Use a small group of beta testers to gather feedback and make necessary improvements.

6. Launch and Promote:

Once you’re satisfied with the chatbot’s performance, it’s time to go live. Promote your chatbot through various channels like your website, social media, and email newsletters to drive traffic.

5: Integrate with WhatsApp Business API:


Integrate the chatbot with the WhatsApp Business API using the BSP’s API keys and credentials. This will enable the chatbot to send and receive messages with customers on WhatsApp.

Test the chatbot thoroughly to ensure it works as expected. Once tested, deploy the chatbot on your WhatsApp Business account. To use the WhatsApp Business API, you must have a WhatsApp Business account.

Follow these steps to set it up:

  • Download the WhatsApp Business app and register with your business phone number.
  • Complete your business profile with all necessary details like business name, address, and website.


FM WhatsApp and MB WhatsApp iOS


A survey by Business Insider in 2023 revealed that 65% of customers prefer using messaging apps for customer service interactions. These statistics underscore the potential of WhatsApp chatbots in enhancing customer engagement and driving business growth.

While building your WhatsApp chatbot, it’s essential to be aware of various WhatsApp modifications like FM WhatsApp and MB WhatsApp iOS. These modified versions offer additional features unavailable in the standard app, such as enhanced customization and privacy settings. 

However, WhatsApp does not officially support them, and using them can pose security risks. For a secure and reliable experience, it’s recommended that you use the official WhatsApp Business API.



Can I build a WhatsApp chatbot for product recommendations without coding skills?

Yes, you can build a WhatsApp chatbot for product recommendations without coding skills using chatbot-building platforms like ManyChat or Chatfuel.

Is it necessary to partner with a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider to build a WhatsApp chatbot?

Yes, it is necessary to partner with a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider to build a WhatsApp chatbot, as they offer the necessary API keys and credentials to integrate with the WhatsApp Business API.



Building a WhatsApp chatbot for product recommendations is a great way to engage with customers and drive sales. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can build a chatbot that offers personalized product recommendations and provides a seamless customer experience. 

Remember to choose the right BSP and chatbot-building platform to ensure a smooth and efficient process. With the rise of WhatsApp businesses and chatbots, now is the perfect time to leverage this technology and take your business to the next level.


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