
I Make At Least 1 million Cedis Through My Fans Every Year – Fancy Gadam Reveals 



Ghanaian music sensation, Mujahid Ahmed Bello, known in the music circles as Fancy Gadam, has asserted that he commands the largest fanbase in the country, a claim supported by the staggering financial support he receives from his dedicated followers.

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According to the ‘Total Cheat’ hitmaker, the number of fans he has can not be compared to that of any Ghanaian artist, adding that his fans are loyal and dedicated to his craft.

Asked if his fans are willing to die for him, the renowned singer said; ”Yes, they will. They will do anything just to make sure I win.” 


”I have the biggest fanbase in Ghana. Bigger than every other artist and they are very loyal and dedicated as well,” he stated. 

Read also; I’m One Of The Kings In Ghana Not Just The ‘King Of The North’ – Fancy Gadam

Fancy Gandam further revealed that he has been able to acquire 2 cars and 3 houses through the support of his fans. He also made known that he receives at least 1 million cedis, annually from his ardent fans.

He made this revelation while speaking in a recent interview on Joy Prime’s Prime Morning Show with Roslyn Felli. 


When asked if he was rich, the multiple-award winning musician said; ”I’m rich, I’m okay because I drive and also have 3 houses. Two in the North and one in Accra. And yes, I can say my fans bought them for me because they contribute to my music. They give me not less than 1 million Ghana Cedis every year because they buy my tickets, they attend my concert amongst a whole lot.” 

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