People & Lifestyle

Join The SMART Bloggers Club To Network!!!




<![CDATA[Blogging is the new form of independent media, giving vibrant voices to millions of people around the world… Bloggers are interesting people with a lot to share, say and learn on important issues, and when brought together—-they can stand all forms of coercion that undermine their ability to stay opinionated. Without any opinion, you have no voice and no blog….   In order to pull together witty minds, smart bloggers and those keen on taking their blogging passion to the next level, we intend to deny ignorance through discussions via the Smart Bloggers Club , a club for all… The Smart Bloggers Club creates a platform for interaction, ideas sharing and will pull both accomplished and rising bloggers around the world together via our regular meetings, seminars and conferences. There is real strength in “community-ship” and together we can take blogging to the next level… If you call yourself a blogger or a web publisher/online journalist, why don’t you join the club of like minds and have the opportunity to network with many of such individuals? Sitting around a table and discussing issues of common concern or ideas new to other bloggers sounds interesting, advantageous and fun—-this is exactly what the Smart Bloggers Club stands for. There is always that new thing you can learn from others…And there is no fulfilment out there more than impacting on the works and passion of others through sharing. For you not to miss our next meeting near you simply enter your email below or visit to join the Smart Bloggers Club, and together, we can deny ignorance through discussions.]]>


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