
Keitta’s infamous Big Brother Stargame boxer shorts to go on auction



It seems that the boxer shorts of Ghana’s just evicted Big Brother Stargame rep, Keitta has taken a life of its own. From having its own twitter account (@Keittas_Boxers1) and a fan base of its own, the polka dotted underwear continues to make headlines and according to Keitta it may soon go on auction. Keitta revealed at a press conference in Accra that, after his eviction his South African fans went gaga over his boxer shorts. “I had the chance to go to the Mall and it was crazy; all the girls were asking ‘where are your boxers?’ I thought people were going to diss me about it but they actually loved it. The girls were crazy about my boxers. I think my boxers are even more famous than I am” He added that the Banana Republic boxer shorts made him feel as if Ghana had four reps in the Big Brother House, namely DKB, Mildred, Keitta and the boxer shorts. Keitta and his management team, comprising his older brother and godfather of hiplife music, Reggie Rocktsone and Benny Blanco hinted, “We are actually thinking about putting the boxers on auction”. Keitta and his team also revealed that he struck an endorsement deal with an underwear company in South Africa, and it wouldn’t be farfetched to think about having his own line of boxer shorts.  Keitta also explained why he had only two pairs of underway during his 10-week stay in the Big brother House. “When I was going to the game, I was chilling with my friends because it was my last day in Ghana. I hadn’t packed my clothes yet and I hadn’t taken the flight schedules seriously. So Mildred and her mum just jumped some of the clothes I had scattered in the room into the bag. I am even lucky that I had two boxers. Imagine if I had just one!”]]>


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