
Mr Drew gifts his share of royalties to former label as a way to say “thank you”



Ghanaian singer/dancer, Mr Drew has revealed that as his way of showing appreciation to his former label, he’ll be giving up his share of royalties to the label.

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According to Mr Drew, whose exit from Highly Spiritual Music, owned by Music Producer Kaywa has caused quite a bit of controversy shared in a new interview he’s super grateful to the label for pushing his craft for the past 5 years.

”I want to use this platform to thank Highly Spiritual Music; Papa Kaywa for working with me for the past 5 years. It’s not been easy and I want to say thank you to him. I’m super grateful,” he said in an interview on TV3 Showbiz.

Read also: Mr Drew says he wouldn’t have signed the contract with ‘Highly Spiritual’ if he had a lawyer


In a shocking turn of events, the “Case” singer shared that he’s also leaving his share of royalties to the label as a sign of his gratitude.

“I’m leaving my royalties with the label. I feel like that should be part of me being grateful and saying thank you to Highly Spiritual Music.

“I leave my share of royalties to the label,” he said.

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