People & Lifestyle

NMJ Ghana CEO throws ”Giveaway Party' for staff and vendors





CEO of NMJ GHANA , Nana Michaels Dzikunu as part of the 10th anniversary celebration of the company had a birthday ”Giveaway party” for staff of Nmj , vendors and friends on 3rd December 2018.
The event was hosted by the birthday celebrant himself and DKB.
The CEO for the last 10years has always had a party for less privileged or registered people in NHI for free but due to the company’s anniversary celebrations coinciding with his birthday he decided to share the same budget through gifts for the staff as they have been a positive contributors to the success of the company.
It was a pick and win instantly with people winning cash, tv, Rickey coolers, burners just to mention a few! The staff of the company also gifted their boss with a mini fridge for his office and a watch as their birthday gift.
The night was dazzled with live band and comedy 
There are more activists ahead towards the celebration like football competitions, dinner & awards night, durbers etching  visit


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