People & Lifestyle

The Five Major Pitfalls of Having an Office Job




<![CDATA[Sure, working an office job has its perks. Socialisation, networking, the development of new skills, and not having to engage in hard physical labour are all benefits of a cushy office job. That being said, there are also some major disadvantage of working in an office that can make you contemplate quitting. Here are five common pitfalls most people who work in an office (probably) weren’t anticipating:  

  1. Frustrating colleagues
The office may be a great place to make friends, but it’s also an environment ripe for building enemies. There is a very good chance that, at some point, you will end up working with unpleasant colleagues.  There are any number of reasons why you might not get along with the other employees. Conflicting personalities, different working methods, distrust, competition, prejudice or grudge-holding are just some of the reasons you might not like the people you work with or vice versa. Whatever the reason, not liking your colleagues or your boss makes for a very unpleasant work environment.
  1. Lack of fairness in the workplace
Life isn’t always fair and neither is life at the office. Being underpaid, treated poorly by managers, and having to do the work of a slacker who gets the credit and has a bigger salary than you, is sometimes the harsh reality of an office job. In fact, according to online casino PlayOJO’s fairness survey, which was recently conducted on British participants with jobs, only 10% of the Brits surveyed though their work environment was totally fair, while 50% of them believed they’re being underpaid.  
  1. Thermostat wars
  Temperature matters in an office environment. However, what you might find to be a comfortable temperature may be too hot or cold for your colleagues, and so the battle over the thermostat begins. Believe it or not, but air-con wars are common. A 2015 survey of 129 office workers in the US found that 42% of people believed their office to be too warm while 56% found it too hot. The conclusion: At least one person is bound to be unhappy with the temperature in the office at all times.  
  1. Repetitive strain injuries
  While you might not be doing any heavy lifting at the office, this doesn’t mean you aren’t at risk of injury. On the contrary, sitting down all day and working at a computer, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, can wreak havoc on your wrists, hands, forearms, elbows, neck and shoulders.  Desk repetitive strain injury, which can be caused from engaging in repetitive motions, such as typing, using a computer mouse, and sitting in the same position for long periods of time, can cause problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, and bursitis.  
  1. Unhealthy eating habits
  When you work at an office job, it is easy to fall into the habit of buying lunch instead of bringing a healthy meal from home. It’s also easy to fall into the habit of munching on quick pre-packaged snacksat your desk when you’re hungry or bored.  To make matters worse, if you’re feeling stressed on the job, you’re more likely to stress-eat, which often leads to consuming foods high in fats and sugar. This, coupled with hours of sitting, puts you at a higher risk of weight gain and other health problems.]]>


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