People & Lifestyle

Press Disclaimer: Caroline Esiname Adzogble severs ties with Kwame A. A. Opoku

Following the recent occurrences  & findings with regards to our former manager Kwame A. A. Opoku, the board and management of the Caroline Esiname Adzogble Group Of Companies, would like to categorically state that it has severed all ties with former manager Kwame A. A. Opoku as of October 2018. His contract and responsibilities as manager […]



Caroline Esiname Adzogble severs ties with Kwame A. A. Opoku

Following the recent occurrences  & findings with regards to our former manager Kwame A. A. Opoku, the board and management of the Caroline Esiname Adzogble Group Of Companies, would like to categorically state that it has severed all ties with former manager Kwame A. A. Opoku as of October 2018. His contract and responsibilities as manager of the groups were thus terminated on the said date.

We would like to apologise to all fans , clients, the media and partners for the misleading information and representation of Caroline’s Group Of Companies on all fronts. We are working with our lawyers and looking into all damages caused through his actions, and will act and respond accordingly.

We’d like apologise for any inconveniences caused and again state that it’s a false representation of Caroline, her group of companies and everything she stands for. 

We entreat you to continue with your overwhelming support of our goal of improving the state of education across Africa by providing more opportunities to brilliant young minds. We look forward to the groundbreaking projects we have lined up for this new year. Caroline & her team remain resolved to continue with their great work. Thank You.


Caroline Esiname Adzogble



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