World News

Queen Latifah offers job to Girl Who Quit Job To Kanye West Song





The internet shows once again why it is the most influential force in the world. Less than a week after former Next Media Animation employee Marina V. Shifrin used Kanye West’s “Gone” song in her resignation video from her job, the young stand up comedian appeared on The Queen Latifah Show. When Latifah asked the unemployed viral sensation if she was looking for work she elaborated on a potential position on her show:
I like to be surrounded by cool, creative, interesting people. With your experience maybe I can create a position.  What if I created something called Digital Content Producer, would that be something you’re interested in?
Shifrin took to her personal Twitter account to show her gratitude: “Real talk: @IAMQUEENLATIFAH, you have changed my life and confirmed my belief that humor fixes everything. We will talk again soon! #QLShowThe Queen Latifah Show is taped in Culver City, CA and according to, the average salary for a Digital Content Producer is $55,000. culled from]]>


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