People & Lifestyle

The Main Manufacturing Trends In 2022



Manufacturing is an industry that is constantly going through change. Consumer trends, technological developments, new regulations, and global events like COVID-19 can all impact and change the manufacturing industry. This leads to new trends that emerge each year that dominate in the industry. As the owner of a manufacturing business, you want to be ahead of the curve with these trends so that you can adapt and prepare your business. This could help you to take advantage of trends and find ways to reach new levels of success with your business. So, what are a few of the main manufacturing trends that will emerge in 2022?


Businesses in the manufacturing industry are behind the times if they have not yet embraced automation. The next trend in this area will be the rise of cobots, which are robots that can actually collaborate and work alongside staff. These will start to become prevalent in 2022 and can help to increase productivity, lower costs and improve safety, amongst many other benefits.

Green Manufacturing

It is clear that now is the time for action when it comes to reducing environmental impact, and the manufacturing industry is one that is often singled out when it comes to damage. This is why green manufacturing will be a major trend moving forwards, with businesses finding ways to reduce their impact, which can also improve their reputation and lower their costs.


A simple green manufacturing trend is a dust collection system. The use of industrial dust collection systems has been proven to reduce the amount of dust and waste being released into the environment, which saves money and increases worker safety. There are also a variety of environmental benefits from the use of industrial dust collection systems, such as decreased emissions and improved air quality. A few ways that this can be achieved include:

  • Solar power
  • Energy-efficient equipment
  • Using green materials
  • Increasing recycling
  • Using a green supply chain



Many businesses will be using ETOX in 2022 as a way to develop innovative, unique, and high-quality products. ETOX is a heterocyclic organic building block that can be used in a number of ways and to develop all kinds of products, including electronics, films and coating, adhesives, ceramics and metals, and medical devices, just as a few examples. Businesses are always racing to create the best products, and ETOX is an innovative product that could help a company to improve the quality of its goods.


Cybercrime has become a major global issue in recent times that has been accelerated by COVID-19. Manufacturing is an industry that has been frequently targeted with the rise of IoT and connected devices, which is why cybersecurity needs to be a major trend in 2022. This will involve businesses investing in high-quality cybersecurity products but also providing staff training so that they can carry out their role safely and avoid common scams.


3D Printing

3D printing is getting bigger with each year, and the same will be true in 2022. This can be used in all kinds of ways, including the fast production of prototypes and components. 3D printing can be used in all niches of manufacturing and even in some food products.

These are a few of the main manufacturing trends that will emerge in 2022. Being aware of these now will help you to prepare and make adaptations that will help 2022 to be a successful year for your company.


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