People & Lifestyle

The NPP needs credibility and competence to break the 8 in next election 2024 – The People’s Choice Campaign



The People’s Choice Campaign hosted its first Town Hall Meeting at the MJ Grand Hotel in Accra on March 23, 2023.

The town hall meeting was held to involve grassroots delegates and young NPP leaders.

Alan Kyerematen was chosen as the candidate for president of Ghana in the general election of 2024.

The People’s Choice Campaign is a platform for cooperation designed to strengthen the voices of Ghanaians.

The platform was created to discover and create efficient ways for engaging with younger, digital, professional, and grassroots audiences in Ghana in order to further political objectives. The People’s Choice Campaign is led by a majority of young, energetic professionals from many walks of life who want to defend the democratic process and include regular people in leadership.


According to the People’s Choice Campaign, Hon. Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen is the preferred candidate among all those vying for the position of New Patriotic Party (NPP) flagbearer and president of the Republic of Ghana.

Distinguished members of Alan Kyerematen’s official campaign team were invited to speak at the town hall and deliver specific and applicable information on the event’s theme in order to support this conviction. Naturally, Hon. Alan Kyerematen’s spotless record and persona, as well as his marketable political brand, which has been built on 30 years of integrity and service to the NPP and Ghana as a whole, were the main highlights of all of their speeches.

Former National Youth Organizer candidate and former Ahafo Regional Youth Organizer Michael Osei Boateng, also known as “Pope,” declared his support for Hon. Alan Kyerematen and his appointment as the Youth Caucus for Alan coordinator (YCA). The meeting’s roughly 200 youth delegates applauded loudly when Mr. Boateng entered.

Michael Osei Boateng, in his address, stressed the need of adhering to the party’s long-standing practice of rewarding dedication and sacrifice. The Hon. Alan Kyerematen, he emphasized, “has the right character, credibility, and competence”. As a result, the majority of Ghanaians respect him and want him to govern. Therefore, we have no better option than Hon. Alan Kyerematen if we want to win the general elections of 2024.

“This is because Ghanaians are tired of talkers and are clamoring for one who can achieve what he promises on the basis of his track record,” he stated.


Dr. Alhasan Samari, a former regional minister for the Upper East Region, underlined the importance of the party selecting a unifier who can unite the group in order to ensure the NPP’s win. He clarified why Hon. Alan Kyerematen was that unifier in simple, everyday terms.

In his words “we need a unifier with a big vision who has an impeccable track record of integrity”.

Former Minister of Information Hon. Frank Agyekum continued, “Despite the current difficulties, the NPP has a strong history. “The Hon. Alan Kyerematen is the kind of leader we need right now, someone who knows how to industrialize the economy and transform it.”

During the event, young attendees actively participated in a question-and-answer session about how Hon. Alan Kyerematen plans to advance laws that will affect Ghana’s youth. A thorough explanation of how Hon. Alan Kyerematen’s Great Transformational Plan would develop laws that would better the lives of young people in Ghana was given to the youth delegates.

Hon. Catherine Afeku, a spokesperson for the Alan Kyerematen campaign, summarized the presentation on the character, record, and policy views of the Hon. Alan Kyerematen by saying:
“Alan has the right experience, the right character, and the right vision to lead the party and the nation”. She pleaded with NPP delegates to support Alan Kyerematen as their best option for leading the organization into the future.


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