People & Lifestyle

The Role of Sinus Specialists in Diagnosing and Treating Chronic Sinusitis



nfection of the sinus tissue lining is referred to as sinusitis. The human face has air-filled pockets called sinuses, which can irritate due to viral or bacterial infections or allergies. These environmental triggers block them, disrupting their core functionality of sending mucus down the throat to the stomach. Consequently, you feel pain and pressure in the face, stuffy nose, and other symptoms. The sinus infection can primarily be acute or chronic, with the latter staying longer. No matter the intensity, your quality of life is drastically hit. Home remedies may only help a little.

Visit a qualified sinus doctor to relieve your pain and distress. Based on their diagnosis, a specialist can recommend comprehensive treatment solutions to ease your infection, improving your overall health and daily life.

  • Diagnosis 

Allergies, sinusitis, and colds often look similar. An expert can differentiate between them by learning about the onset of the symptoms and physical test reports. Expect them to investigate your ears, nose, and throat to identify signs of discharge or swelling. They can press the sinuses to see if they feel tender. If symptoms remain for twelve weeks or more or reappear frequently over a year, it can be a case of long-term sinusitis. They may want to do an endoscopy, MRI or CT scan, allergy test, and blood test for further confirmation. Once all the details are obtained, your sinus expert will carve a proper treatment plan to suit your needs.

  • Treatment

Viral infections subside within two weeks without doing much. Nasal drug delivery experts say that OTC medicines can come in handy in these cases. But persisting symptoms would need more. For example, mild symptoms can improve with decongestants prescribed for the well-being of the nose’s mucous membranes. They can recommend nasal sprays for inflammation reduction. Severe infections can be treated with antifungal or antibacterial medications based on the trigger. When nothing helps, doctors take the route of surgery. Typically, only a few patients need this. One of the standard methods includes using a thin tube-like device called an endoscope. It can be attached with a camera to give doctors a clear view of the nasal interiors. With the tool, they can treat nasal polyps and narrow sinus passage problems.

Nowadays, non- or minimally invasive procedures have also become popular. Have you heard about balloon sinuplasty? Again, a device with a tiny deflated balloon on the tip is directed inside the nose before inflating it to open up the sinus walls. 

An ENT with specialisation in sinus treatment can be most reliable for anyone. Because sinus infection covers your nose and throat, their in-depth knowledge about these structures empowers them to suggest the best solutions. However, the success of the treatment heavily relies on a patient’s cooperation, too. Whether medications or surgery, one must follow their doctor’s instructions for a healthy recovery. Following their recommendations, you can manage your sinus problems efficiently while leading a better life. You can carry on your daily activities hassle-free. So, choose the right sinus specialist. You can find many ENT clinics in Singapore where sinus treatments are also offered. Check the qualifications of the doctors and the services before deciding anything.  


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