People & Lifestyle

What Is Remote Viewing and How Does It Work?

Ever since the days of Ancient Greece people have claimed the ability to visualize events occurring far away. Many prominent philosophers, scientists, and even hard-nosed businesspeople have stated that their ability to perform this skill has helped with creating their success. Unlike many of the clairvoyant forms which are typically easy to discredit, such distant […]



Ever since the days of Ancient Greece people have claimed the ability to visualize events occurring far away. Many prominent philosophers, scientists, and even hard-nosed businesspeople have stated that their ability to perform this skill has helped with creating their success.

What Is Remote Viewing and How Does It Work?

Unlike many of the clairvoyant forms which are typically easy to discredit, such distant viewing appears to hold a degree of credence. Even the CIA allocated many years to studying the skill and were ultimately unable to fully disprove it. Their conclusion was simply that it was too erratic to harness to have any practical application. Today, many people practice this skill, so let’s take a deeper look into how it is supposed to work.

The Brief History Of RV

Many more people and institutions have studied this skill than just the CIA. Ingo Swann was one of the key figures during earlier research conducted by the Stamford Research Institute. Setting out with the clear objective of disproving the entire possibility that people could perform such feats, they found that Swann appeared to hold genuine psychic powers. Over numerous repeated experiments, he seemed to be able to alter thermostatic readings as well as predict the weather in various cities dotted across the USA. Quickly tiring of these ‘basic’ procedures, he then demonstrated a similar skill in being able to tell where anywhere on Earth after being shown the most abstract outlines.

Quite naturally, having demonstrated his ability to perform these phenomena, Swann was asked repeatedly to describe how he was able to do so. Since referred to as the six-stage CRV system, he explained that it was based upon the ability to separate signals from noise in the mind. By using a map, you are supposed to ‘place’ the distracting noise elsewhere, just as you would use a filing system, and instead be entirely receptive to the signal broadcast from the given coordinates. This is then repeated several times to triangulate an exact position, which then may (or may not) paint a picture in the mind of what is present there.

While Swann was not always correct, the CIA took on board his somewhat vague explanation and attempted to teach the skill to people who were previously completely unexposed to such phenomena. Results were mixed, but again there appeared to be some circumstances which simply belied explanation – which is why they spend over $20m over two decades exploring the possibilities! Other experts – predominantly at Princeton – explored how RV and similar telekinesis skills could influence the results of what ought to be 50/50 split results (coin toss was the most common). They found a deviation between 4-6% – which, while it may not sound a great deal, in practical terms amounts mathematically to trillions to one!

Although this skill was most popularized between the late ’60s and early ’80s, funding eventually dried up across the board for trying to explain what simply no expert could present a credible theory towards explaining the results. Yet today, there remain many thousands of people still investing their time and energies trying to use and develop the skill themselves. As mentioned above, many people who have achieved great success claim to have an uncanny knack of premonition that they ‘visualize’ either what is happening or is about to unfold. Holding such a skill would put anyone at an advantage, so let’s now take a look at the more exact theory over how RV may work for some.


Why Not Try An RV Yourself?

Interested in trying remote viewing for yourself? Well, the good news is that plenty of proponents believe that it is a skill that may be learned. While there are no exact ‘rules’, as different techniques appear to deliver varying results between people, the following is generally regarded as a good place to start.

Isolate yourself as far as possible from any distractions. These may be environmental – noise, light and so forth, or other pressures scheduled for the day. Try and place yourself into a state of mind where there is nothing on the agenda and no interruptions are likely. Many people who practice RV like to meditate or perform similar relaxation techniques beforehand. Whatever you choose, do what is necessary to be as open and receptive as possible to channeling information.

1) Start Simple

To begin with, find a subject that you cannot possibly predict. If alone, a good option is to grab a book and try to predict the first word printed on a random page. Alternatively, use Google Earth and try to predict what is located at a specific coordinate (draw a sketch if you like). Whatever you decide to use, the key is that it has to be something you have absolutely no prior knowledge of.

2) Now Focus

Once you have decided what the target is going to be, take as long as you need to try and establish your answer or draw your picture. Quite how you decide to attempt this is entirely up to you. Some people may go into deep meditation and deliberate for hours, others may go on sheer instinct. Props are also popular, including the ubiquitous crystal ball. There really is no exact answer to what works for any given person, but it is worth trying out a number of different methods. Check out some lists online of what the RV communities find help take them to their ‘zone’.

3) Open A Portal

Once you feel that you are entirely receptive to any information, the next stage is to try and connect with it. Do not allow yourself to break focus – this is the absolute key to this stage. All your concentration should be placed upon this. When you are ready, either speak a description of what is coming to you or draw your sketch. Remember that this stage is vital. Even if you feel you are entirely connected with the target, there are always deeper depths to try and reach. Once again, this is why many of the more successful RV practitioners use meditation as an aid.


4) Be Fluid

When writing down/explaining what you feel, do not try to add any color or unnecessary flair to your description. What may appear to be a river could be an outline of someone’s hair. Just focus on the outlines, impulses, energies – whatever you happen to feel is being ‘radiated’ towards you. There is no right time to stop, but the key is to avoid embellishment. When you feel ready, it is time to check out what you have discovered.

5) Examine & Learn From Your Results

Do not be disheartened if what you have channeled appears entirely off at first glance. Look instead for shapes and patterns that may be associated with how you felt when visualizing the target. How did you sense that wavy line, box, sketch, word, color or pattern? Take a little break to clear your mind and then try it again. Many of the more effective RV proponents have attempted this method thousands of times, and it is not something that anyone can expect to be automatically ‘gifted’ towards (although a few are).

Practicing your distant viewing capacity is a marvelous relaxation technique and something that can help make meditation much more enjoyable! As you ought to expect though – just as the CIA – not everyone is necessarily able to reach the state of ‘connectivity’ that the likes of Swann were able to accomplish, at least not without a vast amount of practice. Many of those who have developed their skills claim that suddenly one day it just ‘clicked’ for them, and their accuracy significantly improved. Others are either extremely lucky or seem to find it easier to switch between a normal state and RV state within seconds. Only by trying it out will you find out for yourself, so best of luck!



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