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10 Reasons Why You Should Believe in the Japanese Gods



The Japanese have a fascinating history of believing in gods. When asked what they think about their ancestors, many will say “they are our friends.” In this article, we will discuss 10 reasons why you should believe in the Japanese gods.


  1. The Japanese have been believing in these gods for over 2000 years.
  2. Beliefs in these gods are deeply rooted in traditional culture and religion of Japan.
  3. These beliefs help people to better understand themselves, each other and society around them
  4. It’s possible for anyone regardless of their beliefs to believe in the Japanese Gods
  5. You can believe in the Japanese gods without having to worry about becoming a “crazy”
  6. The Japanese Gods can teach us about prosperity and happiness
  7. The Japanese gods aren’t just for the Japanese, you too can believe in them!
  8. Beliefs in these gods motivate people to be better people
  9. Beliefs in these gods make people healthier and happier
  10. Beliefs in these gods make Japan a better place / Example: Atsuta-jinja (愛宕神社)



  1. The Japanese have been believing in these gods for over 2000 years.


The Japanese have believed in gods for over two thousand years. Many Japanese people believe that the Japanese gods are their family ancestors. These relationships are lifelong, so they can be considered friends of the family too!



  1. Beliefs in these gods are deeply rooted in traditional culture and religion of Japan.


In Japan, 90% of the people believe in at least one god or goddess from Shinto or Buddhism. Shinto is the religion in which you can believe in more than one god or goddess, without the idea of “sin” in religion.


  1. These beliefs help people to better understand themselves, each other and society around them.


When many people make wishes to the gods, these wishes are traditionally materialistic things like good health/body/life, working hard to earn money etc., but recently more and more people are realizing that their own mental states are an important factor of success. Belief in gods can improve this human part of their life.



  1. It’s possible for anyone regardless of their beliefs to believe in the Japanese Gods.


Most people believe in one or more gods, but many do not. You can believe in the Japanese gods without ties to Shinto or Buddhism. It is also not essential that you believe in the gods of your family religion. Although it is possible to accept each other even if we don’t really agree with what others believe, there are benefits of accepting others, even though we may disagree on something by believing in the same god!


  1. You can believe in the Japanese gods without having to worry about becoming a “crazy”


There is a misconception that if you believe in the Japanese gods you will become crazy, but actually it is less likely to become crazy by believing in these gods. In Japan, many people who believe in the Japanese gods and visit shrines and temples do not consider themselves to be religious. It’s just that they visit shrines and temples frequently because it makes them happy.



For example, in Japan, Bishamonten, the Japanese God of War –  or just Bishamon (毘沙門) is thought of as an armor-clad god of war or warriors and a punisher of evildoers. Bishamon is portrayed holding a spear in one hand and a small pagoda in the other hand, the latter symbolizing the divine treasure house, whose contents he both guards and gives away.


  1. The Japanese Gods can teach us about prosperity and happiness


The gods are what Japan is built upon, so they are the only things that cannot be destroyed. If you believe in the gods, they will give you more happiness, but if you believe in something wrong, they will destroy it. There have been instances of people who have become rich by believing in the Japanese gods.



  1. The Japanese gods aren’t just for the Japanese, you too can believe in them!


Japan is said to be the home of the gods, but in fact they have been known in various parts all over the world. It has been proven that people in every country believe in these gods.


  1. Beliefs in these gods motivate people to be better people


The Japanese recognize that success requires hard work combined with diligence, effort and belief in themselves. Belief in the Japanese gods motivates people to be better people by using their strengths.



  1. Beliefs in these gods make people healthier and happier


The gods bring good fortune, kindness, kindness and happiness to people’s lives. For example, when you make a wish in the shrine or temple if your wish comes true, you would become healthy and happy instead of getting sick or unhappy. If your wish doesn’t come true you will not be any worse off than before.


  1. Beliefs in these gods make Japan a better place


Belief in the Japanese gods is necessary for Japan to develop into a better place. In the 1960’s when people stopped believing in their ancestors or spirits, many people lost their homes or family businesses. At that time when the Japanese stopped believing in their deities, things went from bad to worse.



So there you have it! If you are truly interested in the Japanese culture, you can be sure to become a tourist with an interesting story to tell. If you are interested in the Japanese gods, you can now find out more information on how they participate in people’s daily lives without having to worry that you might end up becoming “crazy.”





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