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My Store Aid, An App For Retailers and Store owners to Improve Inventory Management and Grow their Business



My Store Aid, an innovative app that helps small businesses scale by providing market intelligence together with in-store management support and tools, has officially been launched in Kumasi.

My Store Aid incorporates a constantly evolving full-featured application that provides comprehensive in-store inventory management and can provide information on Sales and Purchase trends, Profit Analysis, Stocks management, Credit tracking and give various management reports among others.

Extensive market research has revealed that store owners have one or more of the following challenges which limits their productivity and makes owning and running a store a hassle.

  1. Stock and Inventory Management
  2. Employee Theft
  3. Profit Insight – (Blocking/ Stopping Profit Leakage)
  4. Trust Issues with regards to Attendants and other partners engaged to supervise
  5. Fear of mismanagement when the owner is not physically present in store.
  6. Credit Tracking
  7. Expired Products on Shelves
  8. Total obliviousness on the status of store whether running at a profit or loss.


In addition to the solutions provided, My Store Aid is convenient, simple to use, very accurate, works both offline and online and promotes trust between store owners and their attendants/ engaged supervisors.


What is more, My Store Aid provides a dedicated professional store assistant to assist with all paperwork and store audits.

Some comments and feedback from current Subscribers

My store aid app is an app I would recommend to all shop owners. It is user friendly and enables you to know your stock levels at any given time. It also helps to know the profits or losses you are making. This is just but a few of the benefits of using this system. This app is really superb, I enjoy using this app!! – Mrs. Edna Asamoah

Months back when we were operating without any sales software tool, we ran into lots of challenges i.e. loss of products, money and also had to track down creditors. Thanks to mystoreaid we now have everything at our fingertips. We don’t have to worry about goods being missing. We know our profits and losses and also products that moves faster. The benefits are endless. Just try it and you will never regret it. Thanks – Andrew Tsiri Tei-Aguh


“A fantastic retail app! The app works great and done to suit my needs of monitoring sales, inventory keeping, margin calculations, knowing the fastest moving products, purchases history etc. and so much more. I can now have peace of mind when I am not even in the shop and also where to invest. Great customer support! I just LOVE the app👌👌 – Jackie Awuah


Head of Customer Experience, Pearl Gemegah, said, “in the past, managing stores was difficult and cumbersome but with the technology we have today, there is no need to still experience that level of suffering. As an owner of a retail store, you have freedom to manage your store in person or remotely on any device. And the best part is, we cater for owners who are not abreast with smartphone technology with our in-person customer care agents. We have a point of sale and store management tool that is built specifically for the Ghanaian market through years of market research. So, trust us when we say My Store Aid is all you need to take charge and grow your business!”

Some of the key features of My Store Aid include:

  • Managing your inventory on the go and getting alerts on your phone on products that are low on stock.
  • Keeping records of sales and purchases even in areas with poor internet connectivity.
  • Helping you to keep track of all products sold and those bought on credit and when payments are made.
  • Making reports available to you and showing whether sales are bringing in profits or losses on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
  • Stopping employee theft by monitoring transactions, stock, and cash movements via the application.
  • Assisting you in keeping track of suppliers, customers, and credit sales.
  • Assisting you do effective record-keeping that can help your securing loans and funding to grow your business.
  • Helping you seamlessly track stock movement through branches and warehouses.
  • Works on multiple devices
  • Works both offline and online.


My Store Aid is suitable for Drink Stores, Bars, Wine and Liquor Shops, Restaurants, Provision Stores, Pharmacy and Chemical Shops.


Our Promise

My Store Aid is committed to helping retailers on their paths to success by providing the requisite support to enhance efficiency and accountability of their businesses. Through this, retailers are empowered, and the provided support helps them optimize opportunities to scale up and expand their businesses.


For more information on My Store Aid, kindly visit or call (+233) 055 000 1188.


My Store Aid – The Perfect App to grow your Business.


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