
2017 Miss Jamaica Diaspora finalist represents Bono Region in Miss Ghana 2020



The finale of Miss Ghana 2020 will come off at the National Theatre on Friday, August 21 and be streamed virtually.

16 beautiful ladies will be representing all 16 regions of Ghana at the finale. Amongst the 16 is a 2017 Miss Jamaica Diaspora finalist, Brihanna Kinte. Brihanna in 2019 also represented Ghana at the Miss Africa pageant in Calabar.

In Miss Ghana 2020, Brihanna who appears to have obtained Ghanaian citizenship through the ‘Year of Return’ campaign, is contesting under a different name as Sybrena Buckley. It is however quite strange that she didn’t pick a more Ghanaian name.

Brihanna was raised in Jamaica and spent much of her formative school years there, before moving to Ghana in 2019. She’s currently a student at the University of Pennsylvania Law School where she’s pursuing a Juris Doctor, specialising in Political Law. She’s always held the belief that every black person is bound to Africa and has made it her duty to learn more and teach others about the true Black History. She says that not growing up in Africa didn’t take away from her knowing whom she is. “In fact, it made me more aware and enlightened. My ability to pour the confidence I’ve had to find through my own life experiences in every single person I come across is one thing that will always set me apart,” she adds.


The theme humanity for her means being “my brother’s keeper, treating the next person with the same amount of love and respect I desire and most importantly coming together as one people, with one aim and one destiny, to help create a fitter and more progressive generation.”

She has since August 2019 been working closely with officials to help make the repatriation process for descendants of the Transatlantic slave trade less costly and time-consuming. Less than three months later, she singlehandedly helped three Jamaicans gain their Ghanaian citizenships.

Even though organizers acknowledge the troubling times they faced in executing the migration successfully, Miss Ghana stood tall as the first ever beauty pageant to hold auditions, fashion shows, talent hunts and the final show virtually.

The event will stream live via http://www.lalafio.com



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