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2131 to host ‘The Grand House Party 2’ on Boxing Day



2131 RECORDS will, on December 26, bring together celebrities and people from all works of life to hangout for The Grand House Party 2. As the name suggests, it will not just be one of the best party to end the year 2012 but would also be a party not to miss during the yuletide. The first edition which came on inside Dzorwulu saw a massive turn out as people thronged in to have a good time with their favourite celebrities up front. It will this time happen at a house in East Legon. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of 2131 RECORDS, Jay Foley in an exclusive interview urged all and sundry to come have fun and socialize at The 2nd Grand House Party since it would be a perfect time to ease nerves after the December polls. He revealed that, to get a pass to the event, one must visit to make reservations by writing GRAND HOUSE PARTY 2, name and phone number to 2131 message box on Facebook. 2131REDCORDS who are well noted for parties and a massive turn out will again surprise party people since there would be a lot of surprises on the day.]]>

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