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4 Tips On How to Make A YouTube Video Go Viral



Every YouTube creator wants to go viral and get seen by millions of people. At we promoted over 100,000 customers since 2012. Thus, we have a HUGE amount of data and learnings on viral videos.

Below are key lessons on what you can do to increase the likelihood of going viral on YouTube.

1. Trigger emotions

Your video should make the viewer FEEL SOMETHING. The emotions that cause the most SHARING are awe, anger, shock, and laughter. If your video causes any of these emotions, then more people will SHARE your video. Remember virality is all about sharing. Even if just 5k people share your content with 200 friends, you would reach 1,000,000 viewers.

2. Offer value

Your video should solve a problem for the viewer. This way you teach something or show how to do something. Remember to keep the video UNDER 10 minutes because viewers are more likely to finish shorter videos. Thus, create a video that will make another person’s life easier.


3. Tell stories

People remember stories. We forget facts, names, dates, but we remember stories. This comes from our inherent social traits dating back millions of years. A touching and memorable story will cause more sharing. Thus, tell stories if you want viewers to SHARE your videos.

4. Hook the viewer in the first 10 seconds

Every video you release should start with a BANG. Do something that will surprise viewers and get their attention immediately. Remember that if people stop watching your video, they can’t share it. Thus, make sure to GRAB viewers’ attention in the first 10 seconds.

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