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5 Reasons to Get Trained in Cloud Computing



Over the past 10 years, the global business environment has changed a lot. During this time, companies have embraced technology with open arms to the extent that – as of right now – the majority of business functions are conducted (or assisted) by technology. From customer service to digital marketing, technology has become the heartbeat for most industries – and this will remain the case long into the future.

Naturally, the tech revolution means that modern-day employees need to change and adapt in order to keep their career prospects high. One of the effective and future-proof ways you can do this is by training in cloud computing.

What is cloud computing and why it is important?

In a nutshell, cloud computing is a type of computing where networks, apps, storage, and servers are handled through the internet. For example, many companies are now using cloud computing to store all their customer data, which their employees can easily access through a cloud platform.

But, one must also keep in mind the need for an IT asset disposition service, before fully migrating to Cloud. This is to get free space at the office and a good price for the outdated data storage devices & hardware. Here in Newark CA, there’s an expert called “Dataknox” that specializes in IT equipment buyback and reverse logistics.


Now that the basics have been covered, here are the top 5 reasons why you should get trained in cloud computing and consider pursuing it as a career.


According to Statista, by 2022, the public cloud computing market is expected to reach an estimated value of 482 billion – yes, billion – U.S. dollars. More than anything, this should highlight to you how important cloud computing is right now and how important it will be in the future. So, if you’re looking for a stable career, becoming an engineer in cloud computing is a smart career path to follow.

Being a cloud engineer means that you’ll be responsible for solving technical problems related to cloud computing, such as server maintenance and data storage. Once you become a trained expert, all of this will make a lot more sense. You can train to become a cloud engineer across various platforms. One of the most popular platforms is the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Through easy-to-follow training and guidance, you can get google certification.

High pay

Across all countries – including Ghana – you can get paid a lot for being a cloud engineer. This is because the industry is booming, and engineer jobs are in high demand. In comparison to other jobs, such as digital customer service, you will get paid substantially more, which should be a big motivational factor for you.



Because of the nature of cloud computing, engineering work can be done remotely from different locations. For example, you could be a freelance cloud engineer who works from home and provides services to lots of different companies. Or, alternatively, you could work full-time for a specific company but do it on a flexible basis (i.e., switch between working in the office and from home).

The opportunity to start your own business

After getting your certification for Google Cloud Platform or another cloud service, the opportunity to start your own business becomes a reality. As mentioned above, you could work from home and run your own cloud maintenance business and even hire other cloud engineers to work for you. The opportunity is huge.

Train people yourself

If you’re trained in cloud computing, this means that you can pass on your knowledge to other people who are eager to learn. In fact, you can make a living by training people – from students to established professionals – on how to use different cloud platforms, whether it’s Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform.





