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5 Solid Ways to Get 1,000 YouTube Subscribers



In order to monetize your YouTube channel you need to have 1,000 subscribers and more than 4,000 public watch hours in the last 12 months. Thus, crossing the 1k subscribers mark is an important milestone.

Below are 5 ways to get 1,000 YouTube subs:

1. Add a YouTube subscribe button to your videos. This looks like a watermark and when viewers hover over it will show the subscribe button. If you dont have this, please add this today from your youtube studio. If you are not sure how to do this, please email us and we will help you.

2. Identify which videos attract the most subscribers. In your YouTube studio analytics you can see how many subscribers you gained from each video. This is a very helpful feature because then you can create more videos that get you the most subs.


3. Place a YouTube subscribe link in the video description. This part is very easy and we recommend putting this link at the top of your YouTube video description. This way anybody who sees your video is reminded to subscribe in the description. Also, make sure to say WHY a person should subscribe. For what type of videos? For what type of content?

4. Do a YouTube collab to reach new viewers. This takes some effort but can be done remotely. Identify YouTube channels of similar size and niche to yours and reach out to the creators via email. Then both YOU and the other creator upload the video you made together. This way you reach his audience and he reaches your audience. The best part about collabs is that they are free and will grow your subs.

5. Promote your channel. You could use a tool like Promolta to promote your YouTube videos on blogs, games, apps, and websites. This way new fans will discover your content and some will subscribe. is a trusted resource for creators because its been in business for 10 years and has 100,000 paying customers. You also have full analytics to monitor performance in real time.


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