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5 top benefits of using Artificial Intelligence based Chatbots in HR



To begin with this topic it is first important to understand what a chatbot is. A Chatbot is basically a computer program that simulates human-like conversations through voice commands chat, texts or even both. A Chatbot is also known as a chatterbot or Free AI Character Chat. This is an important feature of Artificial intelligence and can be used by any main messaging application.

Even though there are fears that the machines would take over and it would kick us humans out of the world. AI and Chatbots are now becoming a household name as and when the technology improves. And from the same whether big or small enterprises have now started taking notice.

When did we speak of Chatbots that are deployed in organizations one may think when it was the last time when an individual had to evaluate an employee’s performance and then go through the appraisals manually? Or even resolve the queries that the employees raised? All this has been done quite a while ago and now has been taken up by the chatbots and conversational Artificial Intelligence.

Over a period of some time now the Chatbots have given professionals a substantial means to utilize the time they had in a more efficient and strategic way, where they would be spending less energy and time on the other operational issues of the organization.


Recent research shows that chatbots have the ability to save almost $8 billion years up until 2022. This is considered huge from $20 million that the employers had expected to successfully save in 2017–2018.

The main reason due to which AI based HR chatbots are emerging these days is due to the benefits it imparts to developing the organization. Stated under is how it does that.

Saves time and increases efficiency

By automating the processes in an organization’s department comes the increase in the productivity of HR. The work becomes hassle-free. The Chatbots in HR is just like an extra helping hand that would help in managing the tasks of the team and thereby increasing productivity. In addition, Small Business HR Software can help management to resolve conflict and listen to employees’ issues to ensure they feel heard.


Accurate and quick Response

The employees working do not have the time to spend in trying to further get in contact/touch with their manager or the Human Resource department. In case of a question, they may directly speak to the bot by using either text/speech that may be available on their mobile devices whenever they have a query. Chatbots now can also give relevant answers. Chatbots in HR department access and sort the database for an employee’s information at a much faster rate than any human.

The hiring of New Employee

Let’s explain this with a situation in an organization where the company is hiring very aggressively, and the process of onboarding for every new employee is almost the same. This may also be the case for the training processes of these new employees that are in the same department. Now, these processes may be easily streamlined and automated using the chatbots in HR as not only are these time-consuming but they are also expensive and physically exhausting for the department.


Hiring by Chatbots

Chatbots used in HR is helping by making the process of applications even more transparent. In case of any questions by the applicants regarding their job descriptions, potential responsibilities or the company details they can just ask the Chatbot and done. The Pre-Interview stage of the scanning of a candidate may be a good example. The chatbots gather some details from candidates and further make the executive’s work faster and a lot easier.

Sentimental Analysis

The Chatbot could ask the employees several short and simple questions that may be over a span of days or weeks. This would replace the very old norm of forms for feedback by providing the HR team with insight for making decisions related to processes.


Also apart from that, with the natural language processing with continuous training, chatbots could easily evaluate, and then understand the employees’ sentiment accurately. In this way, a quick decision could be taken to resolve small issues even before they actually become big.

For assisting the organization in finding, further hiring and then managing the new and the existing talent, a chatbot service in HR is more than just recruitment or for pre-screening.

A Chatbot would enable you to concentrate solely on what matters the most to you:

  1. An easily customizable bot – There is practically no technical experience or any sort of expertise required. Modifying the flow of the conversations for the-chatbot can easily be done from the already available Google Sheets and can be picked up directly. Changing the questions and their sequence of flow can also be done as and when it is required.
  2. Live tracking can be done of the live conversation that is done between the user and the bot
    The Data from this interaction is stored and collected in the Google Sheets, just so that if one wishes to review the data available in real-time, they can do so. And not only this but also act accordingly.
  1. Support may be provided in several languages
    A Chatbots has the capability to solve all your organizational problems. This is not restricted to just one language or English but can be done in multiple languages and that too at any hour of the day or night. The Chatbotprovides a very unique experience, where the employee has been working in the company and also is from completely different places.
  2. Precise, helpful and conventional
    In case of a chatbot that is data-driven and that also learns from the questions that the employees may frequently ask. In a way this one also enables the HR to spot out the trends, making the monthly reports a lot easy and makes them ready to deal with the issues very well in advance.

The support that is available 24/7

One may think of this is as an always available or never on leave virtual robot that is committed and dedicated to delivering a streak-free experience. And that to all the time and around the clock.


The new future of the work areas is Chatbots and this is what the CEO’s of top companies prefer in order to modernize the human department using artificial intelligence bots.

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