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5 Ways To Increase Watch Time on Your YouTube Channel



One of the key players in the YouTube Algorithm is watch time. When you increase your average watch time, YouTube will reward you by promoting your channel through both natural search and in recommended videos. This ultimately leads to more exposure for your channel. This article will dive into 5 different ways you can get more watch time on your video.

1. Start a Youtube Series Playlist

A series playlist allows you to compile similar videos into one convenient location. This tool not only makes your channel more user friendly and easier to navigate, but by placing similar videos into one convenient location, you are encouraging users to continue watching.

This is the age of binge watching and if people see one video they enjoy, they’re likely to stick around and watch the next. Organizing your videos into a series playlist puts them into a loop where one video plays automatically after another, thus having your viewer hooked and reaching for the popcorn while they spend more time watching your videos.

You can create a playlist from existing videos on your channel or create videos specifically for a series or themed playlist. Aim for quality over quantity and don’t upload more than 10 videos in a series. This is a win-win as your watch time increases and your viewers get to see more of what they love from your channel.


2. Incorporate Youtube Chapters in Your Videos

Youtube Chapters allows you to add descriptions to individual segments of your video and break it up into more digestible pieces. The more information you can provide to the viewer, the better. This helps users find exactly what they’re looking for in your content and they’ll be more likely to watch the entirety of your video since they can clearly read what each segment contains.

Chapters can be automatically or custom created. We recommend custom creating your video chapters so you have more control over how the titles read for each segment and use keywords to further optimize your content. If you choose to use automatic chapters, always read over them to make sure they are relevant and complimentary to your video.

3. Choose an Engaging Title

Your video title should accurately reflect what a viewer will expect from your video. This is important to build trust with your viewers and prevent drop-off. Summing up your video into one irresistibly enticing line may seem a bit challenging but follow these tips help you out:


  • Keep it under 70 characters
  • Include keywords that match your topic and will naturally increase your search rank
  • Use all caps on certain buzz words within your title and add a call to action
  • Write your title in the same tone and voice you use in your videos


4. Create A Complimentary Thumbnail to Support Your Title

A good title deserves an equally good thumbnail to go with it. Youtube will help you choose one out of a variety of shots, but we recommend making your own for an extra personalized touch. There are tons of professional design softwares you can use that are free, our most recent favorites are Snappa and Canva.

To create a good thumbnail, stick to your branding. This includes everything from font, colors, tone of voice in text and everything in between that defines who you are as a brand. Make sure your branding shines in a clean and simple design that doesn’t overwhelm the viewer. Find a relevant and eye-catching photo that will stop users in their tracks as they scroll. A good thumbnail makes the viewer excited for what they’re about to watch!

5. Track Your Progress Using Youtube Analytics

Tracking your progress on Youtube Analytics helps you gain insights about what is working to increase watch time and also what isn’t. Try new things to see what works. Learning what doesn’t work is just as important as learning what does. Be diligent and create a system for tracking your analytics and how you will use that information on your channel.

To access your insights, log in to Youtube Studio and click on “analytics.” Once you’re in, you can view everything from your watch time of subscribers vs non-subscribers to how certain impressions led to more watch time.


Watch time is an important element of the YouTube algorithm and influences how your video will be listed. Use these tips to get more watch time and have more of your content appreciated!

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