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7 Best Natural Ways To Remove Body Hair Permanently



Sorry to break your happy bubble, but there’s no way hair growth can be stopped permanently. Someday or other, it’s gonna grow out of your body, give an evil snarl, and say a nasty ‘Hi’. But however, to save you from such horror, today, we’re gonna share with you few tips that can help to reduce hair growth on your body. So let’s get started!!  

  1. Sugar, Honey and Lemon polish to the rescue.

We know how painful it can be to get waxed by spans and parlour clinics. To save yourself from the horror of getting waxed, an affordable and less painful alternative to lessen your hair growth is this magic polish. All you need to do is mix a tablespoon of honey, lemon and sugar together in a bowl and boil it for a minute or two.When it settles into a thick wax like paste, allow it to cool. When done, take the mixture and apply it on the areas needed and let it harden. Now with gentle strokes massage the area in circular motion for about 3-5 mins and rinse it off with cold water. Repeat it twice a week to get the perfect result!

  1. Turmeric Remedy. 

If you have less dense and thin hair, then this is just the right remedy for you. Turmeric is loaded with antioxidant known as curcumin which reduce inflammation and makes skin healthy while reducing hair growth to a large extent. For this, You’ll need only rose water and raw turmeric. Grind raw turmeric and mix it well with a few tablespoon of rose water.Apply the paste only on areas with unwanted hair and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.Once done, wash it off with warm water. Voila!! You’re good to go.

  1. Raw papaya paste.

Papaya contains special enzyme called papain which helps down break the hair follicle. And the best thing is that papaya nourishes your skin and is suitable for those who have sensitive skin. All you gotta do is take raw papaya and one tablespoon of turmeric. Mash it together and apply on the hairy parts of your body. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off with warm water. Repeat twice a week to get the best result.

  1. Make use of Epilator.

Epilator comes handy for those who are too lazy to make use of aforementioned remedies. Epilators don’t hurt much and are gentler than waxing. Do it once and week and you’re good to go. Since epilator remove the hair follicle completely, the results last much longer. They are also very affordable and can work for a good 3-4years if used carefully.

  1. Electrolysis.

Now if you want your hair growth to stop for a longer period, you may opt for the most popular hair removal method called Electrolysis. It focuses on one hair at a time, and hence, it can be a lengthy process. Also it can be painful for some. So if you have a good pain threshold, then go for it.

  1. Laser Hair Removal.

Before you go for this procedure, it is advised to take your dermatologist’s opinion first since if you have an underlying health problem, the results may not be as effective as it should. The procedure is speedy, comfortable and effective to say the least. In case you’re looking for some resources to study upon this, Radar Magazine has a great buying guide on laser hair removal. So what are you waiting for? If it’s worth it, then do it!

  1. Oatmeal and yogurt scrub. 

Oatmeal contain natural exfoliating particles. It helps removing the hair follicles by deep exfoliation. And yogurt has good concoction of elements which prevent skin darkening. To get the best result, take powder oatmeal and yogurt. Make a thick paste of it and apply on the desired areas. After half an hour, start massaging the area with gentle strokes for another 20 minutes. Wash with warm water. We hope these tips and remedies will help you deal with unwanted hair growth once and for all. However, it is important for you to know that with or without unwanted hair sprouted on your body, you do not get the right to be ashamed or feel insecure about it. Your body is a temple; worship it and care for it. And it’s time you finally take that favourite dress out of your wardrobe and wear it to that damn summer party
