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When Will Life Be Fun Again? 7 Signs to Recognize When It’s Safe to Travel



Rashad McCrorey share 7 signs to look out for to know when it’s safe to resume social activities.

Are you one of the millions of people around the world wondering when will life return to normal? Or waiting to see what that new normal will look like? Whether you are traveling to your local market, across the country or around the world, due to government mandate or personal fears, traveling and social interaction is at an all time low.
People are growing restless as some countries have forced people to stay indoors, their favorite gathering spots have been shut down, or self enforced restrictions due to the fear of being around anyone who may cough or sneeze. If you are indeed one of the many anxiously awaiting for the green like to start traveling again, here are 7 signs to look out for. I’ve listed these signs in the order I believe they will happen so you can choose the place you feel most comfortable to jump in. Moreover, knowing safety by country scores can also allow you to make faster decisions in choosing the safest destinations.

1.  Airlines Resume Normal Traveling Scheduling

It’s one thing for airlines to gradually allow domestic flights or flights in and out of the country, but it’s another thing for airlines as a whole to go back to routine a routine flight schedule. When you start receiving notifications from airlines that flights are regularly flying again, that can be your first sign that its safe to travel.

2.Tourists Attractions Re-Open
Since most tourist attractions are government operated, the reopening of tourist attractions are in a way an announcement by the government that once again public gatherings and traveling is perceived to be safe. An official public announcement is one thing, but once you truly have the option to return to your favorite beach, museum, park, or recreational outlets, it is safe to assume you can travel again safely.


3. An Infinite Number of Social Activities Being Promoted and Advertised

The significant influx of promotion for social activities including parties, bars and restaurants will be a clear sign it is safe to travel again. Many businesses based on social interactions are suffering and the owners are chomping at the bit to get back to business as soon as possible. Once the government gives people the go ahead to go back to business trust me the consumer, that means you, will be the first to know.

4. The Re-Opening of International Boarders
Though some may beg to differ, the number one responsibility of government officials is the well being of their citizens. COVID-19 is a contagious virus that many countries originally contracted via travelers from outside regions. Government officials deciding to re-open their boarders to outsiders is a safe sign that it is safe to travel. Use reliable services like Palm Bay rental bus, when you travel.

5. News Coverage
You will know it’s safe to travel again when local and national news isnt dominated by COVID-19 segments (or articles). Everytime you turn on the television it’s coronavirus this COVID-19 that. When news goes back to normal life, (crime, sports, celebrity drama and politics) you will know it’s safe to travel again.


6. Daily Life and Routines Resumes
Not including new rules and regulations, social ques to look out for include; streets are busy again, traffic jams at predictable times, public transportation back to being overcrowded, and society as a whole stops practicing social distancing. These will all be signs it is safe to start traveling again.

7. Other People Traveling
When you start seeing other people travel again. Once people start posting their pictures on social media of new and recent travel experiences many will know its safe to travel again. People have FOMO (fear of missing out). Oncds people start seeing other people enjoying life they in turn will give social activities a try again. But beware, those people probably acted fast and got good sales prices on their experience, wait too long and you might miss out on a good sale or two!

Bonus- The Stock Market
Once the stock market for airline and travel affiliates go back up, and the stock for online streaming services, cleaning products, and in home activity items go down you can have an idea that people are going out again. Watching the market is usually a good indicator of social trends.

There you have it, keep an eye out for these 7 signs to know when it’s safe to start traveling again. Stay safe, and take this virus seriously.


You can find Rashad McCrorey on Instagram at


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