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How to Learn to Focus On Good Thoughts



The incidence of health problems has been on the rise across the globe. Yet, it can be surprising that many common ailments can be done away with just having a positive thought. Several studies have shown that optimistic people tend to go through fewer physical and mental health issues. The correlation between positive thoughts about life and good health is mentioned in many studies. To attain these values, one can follow specific techniques which have proven to be quite effective for several individuals.

Maintaining a positive thought mindset is vital in all walks of life, and it seems that gaming has multiple benefits in this regard. Among the other techniques mentioned in this article, it’s one way to achieve a more positive state of mind. So even if you play Book of Dead, Minecraft, or FIFA, gaming is one easy way to attain good thoughts.

However, there’s more. Let’s see.

Practicing Gratitude with a Positive Thought Mindset

One way to reduce stress is by focusing on resilience in the tough times, having a relaxing time with free spins, and being gracious in the better times. The act of gratitude has been proven to lower stress and increase resilience in all situations – good and bad. In addition, the comfort that a person’s gratitude brings to another individual can provide positive thoughts before sleep. This gratitude can even be the simplest of things, but it can have great results if done at least once per day. Some actions of appreciation would be helping an underprivileged person, showing love to an animal, and more.


Keeping An Eye On The Good Things

Every individual faces a difficult time at one stage or the other. Yet, it is crucial not to be dwindled by the obstacles throughout life. They have to look at the better things even when the situation is not as good. This can breed positive thoughts affirmations without being worked up by disappointment. For example, if a travel plan has been canceled due to a natural calamity, it must be looked upon positively. Why? Because you did not have to be in the right place at the wrong time.

Being In The Presence of Optimistic People

Just like negativity, positive thoughts exercise a contagious feeling among individuals. Therefore, one should pay a lot of attention to the type of individuals they hang out with. If a person is frequently hanging out with a negative person, there is a good chance that they will start to reflect on everything negatively. The optimistic person would have the opposite effect, as they would bring happiness

Attaining A Humorous Side

It is no secret that positive thoughts bring positive results, and one of the ways to attain the same would be to view a humorous side even in the worst situations. This can help liven up the mood while also avoiding the possibility of being too downtrodden by the bad situation. Once such a bad situation is taken lightly, individuals will find it easier to bounce back and focus on their next job.

Using Failures As A Lesson

Always keep a positive thought with you. No one is perfect, and everyone is likely to make mistakes in their life. These mistakes can be made in several walks of life, but it is important not to be pushed into negative thoughts after realizing the mistake. Instead, one should learn how to use these failures and mistakes as a lesson. Apart from bringing good thoughts, this action can also help an individual become a better person.

Final Thoughts

It might take a while before getting away from the years of negativity and pessimism. However, one would find that good thought will bring a significant change to their life within a few months of practicing these techniques. It will not be long before the person appreciates the newfound freedom from stress and worries.


Do you have other methods to reach a more positive thought mindset? Let us know in the comments!


Author’s bio:

Jeremy Ambrose is a clinical psychologist with a huge passion for gaming. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Seattle before moving to the East Coast in Boston, where he currently lives with his wife and child. In his spare time, he loves walking and swimming, but gaming is still his main hobby.




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