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4 Tips For Managing Your Home’s Electricity Use



The utility costs for homeowners have increased significantly in recent years, but how much of that is higher costs versus higher use? Energy use inside a home can fluctuate throughout the year, so it can be hard to see changes that mean spending more money to keep the home running. However, there are a few things that homeowners can do to inspect and manage their electricity use.

Start to Track the Usage

It is important to track electricity usage over time to see how much is being used and the changing costs. This helps to determine whether the bill is going up because more energy is being used or because the cost of electricity is rising. It is important to track over long periods of time, as the use may go up during the hottest or coldest parts of the year as the HVAC system works harder to keep the home comfortable.

Get an Energy Audit to See What’s Happening


Along with tracking monthly usage, it may be beneficial to get an energy audit. This is an inspection done by a professional who can take a look at appliances and other parts of the electrical system to make sure they’re working as efficiently as possible. Older appliances aren’t as efficient and will end up costing more to run than newer ones, so it is better to upgrade when this happens. The energy audit can help homeowners determine what to upgrade first and what may need to be upgraded soon.

Fix Any Electrical Issues in the Home

Once a homeowner starts looking at their electrical system and paying more attention to it, they may discover electrical issues that are draining power or causing the power to run more frequently. An HVAC system that cycles too fast, for instance, may have an electrical issue and that can cause more energy to be used than normal. It is important to fix any electrical issues as they’re noticed to avoid higher repairs, more energy being wasted, and the potential for a fire or other electrical emergency.

Use Techniques to Make it More Efficient


It is a good idea to look into techniques to make the home more energy-efficient. Homeowners can take a number of steps, large and small, to make their homes as efficient as possible, which can help reduce the amount of money they pay for electrical use each month. These can include the following.

  • Maintain the HVAC System – A well-maintained HVAC system is more energy-efficient.
  • Use More Efficient HVAC Settings – Adjusting the thermostat can help save a significant amount of money.
  • Add More Insulation – Insulation can help keep the home at a comfortable temperature without increasing HVAC use.
  • Unplug Anything Not in Use – Anything plugged in will draw electricity, so it’s a good idea to unplug things that aren’t being used.
  • Replace Light Bulbs with LEDs – LED bulbs require less energy to operate, making them more efficient.
  • Use More Natural Light – Using natural light cuts down on how much energy is used in the home.

If you’re worried about rising electrical costs and the amount of energy used at home, there are a few things you can do to monitor your usage and to make changes to reduce it. Start with tracking energy costs and looking into an energy audit to see why the bills are so high, then make the changes needed to lower your energy use and expenses.

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