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A Serial Entrepreneurs Guide to Finding and Developing a Business Idea



Most business ideas have been done repeatedly and, on some occasions, with a great deal of success. Finding and developing a great business idea can feel like an uphill struggle, but it doesn’t need to feel like this, and it does not need to be like this. If you conduct adequate research and if you commit to seeing through one idea, you will find it much easier to develop an idea, harness it, and make it your own. So, when it comes to finding and developing an idea, where do you need to start, and what should you be focusing on first.

Sticking and Committing to One Idea

You may have lots of ideas spinning around in your head, but it is important that you stick and commit to one at a time. Trying to do too much or spreading yourself too thin is not beneficial for anyone. So, before you try and take on more than you can handle, why not put together your list of business ideas and establish which one you will pursue and why. When you commit yourself to one idea, you ensure that you dedicate your time and energy to achieving the results and success you desire. To establish which idea, you need to stick with and commit to, you need to weigh up the pros and cons of each idea you have put forward. It can be so easy and so tempting to just run with the first idea that you write down or take a liking to, but realistically if you dive in too quick, you could end up on the road to failure, and this is, of course, not what you want.

A Beneficial Business Idea


You can still make money in business, even by helping others. Developing a business idea around something that gives back will leave you feeling good, and it will also leave the recipients of the business idea feeling good as well. As a serial entrepreneur, finding or launching an idea that gives back will be both appealing and rewarding. You will be fostering goodwill, and you will be launching and harnessing a positive image for yourself and your brand at the same time. So, what kind of business idea can you introduce that would or could benefit others? For example, you could put together treatment packages for professionals to ensure that they are practicing self-care, such as Self care for nurses or self-care for doctors. Or you could focus on putting together packages that support fellow small business owners. Supporting, helping, and assisting others is commendable and is something that can be worked into a watertight business idea.

Spotting a Gap within the Market

Having an idea that has potential is what every entrepreneur wants and needs, but how do you find an idea with real and true potential? Well, you spot and then exploit a gap in the market, of course. When there is a gap in the market, no matter how small, you can exploit it and turn it from a business idea into a profitable business. When it comes to spotting a gap in the market, you need to begin looking at areas or industries that you are interested in first and foremost. You will not be able to target all marketplaces and industries when looking for an idea that has potential. So, start by targeting areas that are of interest to you because when you are interested and passionate about a market or industry, you are more driven to succeed.

Conducting Market Research


When you have spotted a gap in the market, you then need to start conducting market research. When it comes to carrying out market research, you need to utilize both primary and secondary research to establish if your idea has the potential to make money or not.  Investing in market research may, on the surface, seem unnecessary, but it is crucial, especially in the early stages of business idea development.

You should begin by surveying your target demographic and researching what your competitors are doing to succeed in your industry. One way you can do the latter is by choosing to use SpeedProxies for scraping data. This data can then be used to identify trends that can be applied to your business or product. If you are still not convinced of the importance of market research, just ask yourself how, without it, you can be sure and confident that you are investing your time and money into a sound idea.

Seek Support and Assistance

When it comes to getting the right idea, you need to seek support and assistance as and where you can. For example, family members may be able to help you see something you may have overlooked or missed when researching ideas. In addition, you may find that trade bodies or other professionals may be able to provide you with additional figures, research, or statistics that you might not have considered before or had to access to. Do not be afraid to reach out to others for support and assistance because this guidance can help you determine which idea to go with and why. To get the guidance and support you need, you can take advantage of networking as well. Meeting new people and gaining new insights may even help you once again to see, or spot things that you might have missed previously.


Set a Deadline or Timescale

Researching a new idea can take up a lot of your free time. It is important that you establish a deadline and a timescale for researching and creating business ideas and bringing them to fruition, or else you will find that you will be investing a lot of time, effort, and funding and not really getting a lot in return. When you are researching and finding new ideas, you need to give yourself weeks and months, and not years.

It is important to remember that you can over-research an idea, and in the process, you can end up wasting time, so establish a deadline as soon as you can to ensure that you can bring the idea to the market before somebody else does.

After you get your business idea – it’s important to start your business by incorporating a company. For that purpose, it might be beneficial to pay a visit to to get all the basic information on how you can start your LLC today in any state of USA.


When you have a deadline in place, you ensure that you make your research time count. Wasted time equals wasted money, and missed opportunities, so stay on the ball with your research, and do not go over the top.

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