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Accredited Online CPD Training For All Health Professionals In Ghana



An Online COVID-19 training course is being organized for all health worker in Ghana.

The course is entirely free and created for Registered Health Professionals. Participants will be given a Free instant and verifiable certificate and earn CPD points already determined by their Council. The CPD points will be automatically submitted to their Councils on their behalf after taking the course.

The online course is hosted by Continuous Education Services (CES), Ghana’s leading provider of online CPDs.

CPD is an abbreviation for Continuing Professional Development (more commonly used) or Continuous Professional Development (used to a lesser extent). This refers to the general description given to all the things a professional does during and throughout their career to ensure he/she remains relevant and invaluable to the public or the people being served and remains up to date with current developments in his/her area of practice.


In certain professional circles, it’s simply known as Professional Development or sometimes just Continuing Education (CE). In the health and medical circles, in particular, it’s commonly referred to as Continuing Medical Education (CME).

It is common to find groups of health professionals gather at one physical location in their effort to acquire understanding that bridges certain specific knowledge and/or skills gaps.

This has always been riddled with several short comings including Participants not having access to CPD courses that are relevant to them, CPD’s not being available at convenient times for them to participate in, Tiresome, and frustrating travel times.

Unnecessarily long face-to-face CPD sessions/events, Certificates not given on the spot, unreasonably high cost of CPD programs/events/courses, Participants live abroad or out of the geographic area of CPD events and Many other related challenges continues to hinder easy access to CPDs.


For these and many other reasons which are obvious to anyone who has ever patronized a face-to-face CPD event, CES began organizing these courses online from 2018. The work of CES has become even more relevant in this Pandemic times.

CES has been able to help thousands of health professional to access lots of such courses for free especially courses related to COVID-19. One of such premium courses is currently being hosted, which is accredited by the Medical and Dental Council, Pharmacy Council, Allied Health Professions Council and Nursing and Midwifery Council.

To participate in the course, health workers can visit this link (CLICK HERE) to review it and take a short survey. Upon completing the survey, they will receive a single-use voucher code which they will use to access the FREE CPD on the CES online learning platform.

All health professionals are encouraged to participate in this particular survey in order to contribute to the gathering of information that will lead to the design of effective and representative policies etc., toward the fight against COVID-19.


Ghana continues to make headway on COVID-19, with over 40,000 recoveries and 231 deaths out of 42,063 confirmed cases. Courses like this are organized by health and research organizations to help workers better identify and deal with cases of the pandemic.

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