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Akropong School for the Blind gets support from Flava Music



The Akropong School for the Blind in the Eastern Region of the then Gold Coast (Ghana) was established 1945, the first in the South-Sahara Africa with four students. It was first started on the premises of the Presbyterian teacher Education College (PTEC), formerly Presbyterian training college (PTC) at Akropong Akuapem. Today the school population is about 400 with 15 teaching staff, 46 none teaching staff and other supporting staff. It is made up of different departments from the KG to the Primary and then JHS. They also have Vocational Department, the Music Unit and the Adult Rehabilitation Class. The Adult Rehabilitation Class is set up for people who become blind late in their life time. It admitted students to do Orientation and Mobility, Guidance and Counselling, Braille and Management in living. It is with this compassion that over the weekend the Chief Executive Officer of Flava Music Production and Pure City International School (PCIS) Mr. Precious Kweku Sena-Fiawu, decided to present assorted items worth Ghc7000 and a cheque of Ghc1000 to the School as part of efforts to extend its social responsibility to society. The gesture also forms part of PCIS one year anniversary celebration. The items includes 20 bags of rice, gallons of oil, crates of soaps, sugar, toiletries, detergents, medicines and table top fridge. Similar donation was made to the Children’s Ward of 37 Military and Ridge hospitals in Accra Presenting the items, Mr. Precious K. Sena-Fiawu, said the donation forms part of his school one year anniversary celebration and pledged his company’s continuous support for the school. “It is not easy to be physically challenged and I am impressed with what I have seen here today especially the Music Department which has inspired me to do more to assist them to realise their full potentials, and anytime I do this my soul is always at rest” he said. “If you talk to them they say they don’t need sympathy but empathy. I always ask myself, if I were to be one of them? Some don’t start as blind but in the course of their lives they go blind. So it can happen to me and it can happen to you. It is my responsibility and as far as I live I will always do it”, he promised. In welcoming the delegation, Mr. Daniel Oppong a former student and a teacher, revealed that the school is not a ‘Home’ but a ‘School’ with a slogan “Disability is not inability”, “therefore we don’t ask for sympathy but rather we ask for empathy and we don’t look for charity but look for opportunity and we are always willing to partner people to develop the blind child”.
Precious Kweku Senafiawo of Flava music during the donation
Receiving the items and the cheque on behalf of the school, the Assistant Headmaster of the school Mr. Joseph Atsu Hormadzie, also a blind, expressed gratitude to Flava Music Production and Pure City Int. School for the donation and called on Ghanaians to support the school and as he put it disability is not inability. On his part the head of the music department Mr. Benjamin Boateng said his outfit is in deplorable state and appealed to Ghanaians and other philanthropist to come to their aid with musical instruments to improve the department.  ]]>

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