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Arizona Attorneys, With You Throughout Your Divorce



Throughout your life, unexpected events can occur, which may prove to be a challenge.  Divorce may be a particularly difficult challenge, leaving you emotionally distraught and financially beaten.  Of course, no one intends to get divorced, as all brides and grooms enter marital bliss with optimism and hope for the future.  But, as lives change and individuals adapt, sometimes divorce seems both practical and inevitable.  


Arizona Divorce Attorneys

For potential divorcees who reside in Arizona, there is light on the horizon.  Each divorce attorney inside of Arizona is experienced with divorce and legal separation across the state so that the best advice and guidance is given to you.  The options open to you will be transparent and clear, helping you to decide what you really want and what options are best for you.  Your Arizona divorce attorney will explore whether separation and potential reconciliation are possible, maintaining your best interests at heart at all times.



Possible Negotiations

Each potential divorce is different, and so the guidance which you receive from your divorce attorney will be tailored to your needs and requirements.  If you have children, then the divorce attorney will explore child custody and access arrangements. You may need to explore same-sex marriage divorce or high net worth divorce options, or you may wish to discuss legal separation options, allowing you and your partner to think through your divorce options in full.  Divorce is a final solution for the ending of a marriage, and so many couples may wish to assess whether separating is the best option for themselves and their families.  



Divorces in Arizona

If you decide that divorce is the best option, the marriage will be dissolved after Dissolution Proceedings.  Arizona state law only recognizes grounds for divorce due to irretrievably broken or irreconcilable differences, areas which your divorce attorney will help to explain and guide you through.  The divorce motion may then be labeled as ‘contested’ or ‘uncontested,’ depending upon whether your spouse has responded to the petition for dissolution.  If your spouse contests the divorce, then they will provide the court with a response, enabling an agreement to possibly be reached between both sets of divorce attorneys.  It is only after a marital settlement agreement has not been reached that the divorce may result in a trial.


Temporary Orders


Whilst your divorce attorney is proceeding with your divorce, temporary orders may be invoked by the court.  Such temporary orders may include spousal maintenance, living arrangements, and child custody.  Whilst on many occasions, temporary orders will eventually become permanent orders once the divorce has been finalized, although this is not always the case. It is, of course, easier if all parties agree to the temporary orders, although the court may look at some areas, such as child custody, as being in the best interests of the child or children involved.  Some cases relating to child custody may have to be heard within 24 hours of the application, particularly if the child or children are at possible risk of harm.  Emergency temporary orders may then be invoked which are in the best interests of the child or children in question.  Your divorce attorney in Arizona may also order that a spouse must pay child support, depending on the standard of living which the child or children are accustomed to. Any further medical or educational needs the child or children require will also be taken into account, as well will the financial resources of both parents as well as the debts held by each parent.  Your divorce attorney will also explore any further resources or property as well as how much time each child will spend at the home of each parent.  Child custody and child support issues can be emotive issues for both parents, although your divorce attorney will assess options that are in the very best interest of your child and your family as a whole.


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