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Banky W and wife Adesua accused of taking N57m from Buhari

Musician cum politician Banky W and his wife Adesua Etomi Wellington have refuted a claim by one Shalom Miriam Shehu? that they took a whooping fifty-seven million Naira (N57m) from President Muhammadu Buhari to run adverts for him as he seeks re-election in the February polls. Miriam in a series of tweets alleged that Banky’s […]



Musician cum politician Banky W and his wife Adesua Etomi Wellington have refuted a claim by one Shalom Miriam Shehu? that they took a whooping fifty-seven million Naira (N57m) from President Muhammadu Buhari to run adverts for him as he seeks re-election in the February polls.

Miriam in a series of tweets alleged that Banky’s Empire Maters Entertainment got a contract of N57m to promote Buhari but failed to honour their part of the deal after receiving the said amount.

“Your EME Company you converted to PR firm got a contract of N57m through one Abubakar Ahmed to promote Buhari. Why have you not been doing your work?” she asked and further stated she had evidence to back her claim. 

She said: “I have a picture of you and your wife travelling to Abuja via Arik Air in December where the contract was signed. Your client paid for the Business class that you and Adesuwa travelled with that day. The trip was on a Sunday morning. I dare you to deny this.”

But Adesua in response vehemently denied the allegations stressing that it is an attempt to smear their reputation with mud.


She tweets: “Miriam, I don’t know u and I will never understand why you have tweeted this lie. My husband and I went to Abuja in December for the 16 days of Activism against gender-based violence. A final event was put together by the EU and as influencers, we were invited to attend.

“We weren’t the only influencers in attendance. See picture below. With date stamp…clearly showing us at the event. A good name is important to me, has always been and that is why you will NEVER find anything that supports a story about me collecting money from ANYONE.

“My husband has never collected a dime to support Buhari. There is nothing to substantiate what you have written and I’m racking my brain about why you would write this. I’m saddened too. More because it is a huge lie but life has taught me that time reveals ALL THINGS.

Adesua further dared Miriam to make available her evidence as she insisted the allegations were unfounded.


She says: “If a picture of a husband and his wife on a flight to Abuja is all it takes for someone to write something so untruthful and have people believe it, then we are in serious trouble. No-one is safe. Surely you must have substantial proof. PLEASE provide it. I’m not scared.

“Lastly, Nigeria will be great. She will thrive and she will rise above all the lies, the corruption, the turmoil. We WILL NOT BE SILENCED FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU who spew lies. We will not back down. We will not retreat and THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL. Our names and hearts are clean.”

Meanwhile Banky W has served an indication a legal action will be taken against Miriam before long. 

“I’ve called my lawyers, and sent screenshots of the latest lies and slander used against me,” he says. “I hope the people who posted them are prepared to provide PROOF in court. Shey you have dragged my name in the mud again, you MUST provide proof of your accusations or you will go to jail.”





Bofoakwa Tano faces Nsoatreman FC in 2024 MTN FA Cup final



The final match of this season’s MTN FA Cup has been confirmed to be held at the University of Ghana Stadium in Legon on Sunday, June 23rd. (more…)

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Devastating fire destroys wooden structures at Circle ECOMOG



Scores of wooden structures at Circle ECOMOG in the Greater Accra region have been completely razed by a devastating fire. (more…)

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NHIS begins free 6-month dialysis support programme



Starting June 1, 2024, through December 2024, individuals who are under 18 and over 60 years of age and suffering from kidney diseases will be eligible for eight free dialysis sessions monthly, this is according to the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). (more…)

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Ghana’s Rising Star 8LYF Set to Drop New Single “Feel Home” on June 7



Fast-rising Ghanaian musician 8LYF is gearing up to release his latest single, “Feel Home,” produced by the renowned Tubani Music. This track, a masterful blend of dancehall and Afro-fusion, is poised to make a significant impact on the music scene. The release, backed by his label IB Records, is scheduled for June 7, 2024, and promises to showcase 8LYF’s exceptional talent and versatility.

8LYF’s passion for music ignited at a very young age on the streets of Teshie Nungua, Accra, where his talent quickly garnered attention and admiration. Performing at local shows and impromptu street sessions, he became a beloved figure in his community, captivating audiences with his dynamic performances and raw talent.

Known for his versatility, 8LYF effortlessly merges different genres, creating a unique sound that sets him apart from his peers. But his talents don’t stop at music; he’s also recognized for his high fashion sense and stylish personality, making him a trendsetter both on and off the stage.

Ghana’s Rising Star 8LYF Set to Drop New Single "Feel Home" on June 7

Ghana’s Rising Star 8LYF Set to Drop New Single “Feel Home” on June 7

“Feel Home” is more than just a song; it’s a narrative that delves into the struggles and betrayals faced by a young soul. Through its poignant lyrics and compelling rhythm, the track offers a message of resilience and finding peace amidst chaos. It’s a song that encourages listeners to find solace within themselves and truly “feel home” no matter the challenges they face.

Those who have come into contact with 8LYF, whether through his music or personally, have hailed him as the future of Ghanaian music. His ability to connect with audiences and his unwavering dedication to his craft signal a bright future ahead.


As the release date for “Feel Home” approaches, anticipation is building. Fans and newcomers alike are eagerly waiting to experience the latest from this multifaceted artist. With the support of IB Records, his exceptional talent, and distinctive style, 8LYF is undoubtedly set to leave an indelible mark on the music industry. Keep an eye on this rising star as he continues to elevate Ghanaian music to new heights.

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“COVID-19” inspired my “Aseda”single – Michael K. Okyere recounts



Versatile musician Michael K. Okyere has recently released a single titled “Aseda,” which was inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic. The article explores the meaning behind the song and how Okyere found inspiration during this challenging time.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably affected people’s lives across the globe. From the devastating loss of lives to the economic downturn, it has created an unprecedented situation for everyone. However, amid the chaos and uncertainty, many individuals have found solace and inspiration in unlikely places.

One such person is Michael K. Okyere, a talented and versatile musician known for his ability to captivate audiences with his unique fusion of various music genres. When the pandemic struck, Okyere found himself reflecting on the prevailing circumstances and sought a way to channel his emotions into his art.

The result was the creation of his latest single, “Aseda,” which means “thanks” in the Akan language spoken in Ghana, Okyere’s home country. The song serves as a tribute to the resilience and gratitude of individuals during these challenging times.

Okyere shares that “Aseda” was born out of his desire to express his deep appreciation for life and the strength of the human spirit. He witnessed people coming together, supporting each other, and finding joy in the simplest of things despite the hardships they faced. The song aims to inspire listeners to focus on gratitude and appreciate the little things that often go unnoticed.

The upbeat and catchy melody of “Aseda” mirrors the message of hope and positivity that Okyere intends to convey. By merging traditional Ghanaian rhythms with contemporary sounds, he manages to create a musical fusion that resonates with a wide audience. The song’s infectious energy invites listeners to immerse themselves in the celebration of life and their ability to overcome adversity.

While the pandemic has presented numerous challenges for musicians and artists, Okyere has channeled his creativity into creating meaningful and inspiring content. He believes that music has the power to uplift souls and connect people, even in the toughest of times.

Through “Aseda,” Michael K. Okyere hopes to remind listeners that amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there is still much to be grateful for. The song serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of gratitude in finding solace and joy even in challenging circumstances.

As an artiste, his ability to find inspiration in difficult times demonstrates his dedication to his craft and his commitment to spreading positivity through music. “Aseda” is a testament to his versatility and talent, showcasing his ability to merge different musical styles to create a vibrant and captivating masterpiece.

Enjoy the song below

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Pizza Inn the Bridge at Adjiriganor is giving free Pizza Pies this Christmas season



Ghanaian Pizza brand, Pizza Inn has opened a new branch in East-Legon and has FREE pizza pies and more to share this christmas season. (more…)

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