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Ben Brako crowns Nana Akuffo Addo as future president of Ghana



In a time when some celebrities are endorsing one political party or the other for the December general elections in Ghana, veteran highlife singer, Ben Brako appeared to have endorsed NPP’s flag bearer, Nana Akuffo Addo in the funniest of ways. Ben Brako, who read a citation on behalf of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) in honour of Amakye Dede during Saturday’s Legends and Legacy Ball, referred to Nana Addo as the future president when addressing the dignitaries present. In his speech, he addressed former president JA Kufuor and former first lady Agyemang Rawlings without acknowledging Nana Akuffo Addo, who was also present.  The crowd then started screaming at him to hint him that he had not address the NPP Flag bearer. After noticing the oversight, Ben Brako came back to apologize and then addressed Nana Addo as the future president. The proclamation sent the crowd screaming in affirmation.]]>
