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Can You Snort Kratom?



A Look At Kratom; Modern-Day Craze

If you are using kratom, this thought might have crossed your mind: ‘Can I snort Kratom?’. But, the answer to this question is a big ‘NO.’ Kratom forms clumps when it is exposed to moisture. So, it is not favorable to snort kratom.


Snorting or Insufflation of kratom can damage the mucous membrane and irritate your throat. People can experience negative effects, including overdose. But there are ways in which you can consume different strains of kratom without any problem. 



In this article, we will talk about the side effects of kratom snorting and what are the best ways to consume kratom. We will also discuss the dangers related to snorting kratom. So let’s get started.

Why Would Someone Snort Kratom?

Usually, the Southeastern people used kratom by chewing the leaves of the plant. But as kratom’s popularity increased, it was manufactured as capsules, powder, and liquid shots for consumption. People usually take kratom orally, but there are various reasons people snort kratom: 

  • Get High Quickly

Many people believe that if they snort kratom, it will be directly absorbed into the bloodstream, which will make them get high quickly. Some users who use kratom for recreational purposes consume kratom like this. 

  • Lack Of Knowledge

People who lack knowledge regarding kratom and its proper use snort kratom. Kratom forms clumps when it comes in contact with moisture, so it can further cause health issues.


Can You Smoke Kratom?

Other than taking kratom in capsules and powdered form, it is also smoked by many people. However, a significant amount of leaves is required to achieve the desired effects. It can be harsh on the throat and lungs, but you can get high quickly. Make sure you purchase kratom from reputable brands to get only the purest kratom. You can check this post to learn more about the best brands to buy kratom.



As compared to other herbal supplements, kratom smoke can be strong. It also produces a sustained euphoric effect, but you need a higher amount of supplement to achieve that euphoric state. 


Here are some points to know before smoking Kratom:

  • New kratom users or those who are sensitive to kratom must not consume more than one gram of the substance.
  • At lower doses, you will feel mild stimulation, and your mood will be uplifted.
  • If you smoke a significant amount of kratom, like 5 grams, then you will have noteworthy effects.

What is the Best Way to Use Kratom?

Other than snorting kratom, there are many ways in which you can consume kratom and get its various benefits. Manufacturers sold different types of kratom strains in the form of powder, capsules, extracts, etc. You can use kratom in the following ways:

  • Kratom Capsules: If you don’t like the taste of kratom, you can go with kratom capsules. This method eliminates the bitter aftertaste and also offers a convenient way to take your daily dose.
  • Kratom Tea: Brewing kratom tea is a timeless tradition. To create the best kratom tea, boil water on a low flame for 10-12 minutes and add kratom leaves or kratom powder to the water. Strain the liquid, and your kratom tea, with its amazing benefits, is ready.
  • Kratom Powder: People also use kratom powder along with normal water. To make it more fun, you can blend kratom powder with chocolate milk. If you are lactose intolerant, you can opt for a milk alternative. You can also make kratom cookies to get the best of both worlds. You just have to pour kratom powder when you are making the dough for the cookies, and it’s done. People make kratom cookies to get the benefit of kratom and the sweetness of cookies.
  • Kratom Extracts: These extracts are a more concentrated form of kratom. It can be created from kratom leaves of kratom powder. Its dosage is far more potent than the kratom powder.

Dangers of Snorting Kratom

Snorting kratom can be very dangerous for you and against your best interests. There can be short-term and long-term side effects of snorting kratom:

    • Short-Term Side Effects: Nose Bleeding, nasal swelling, trouble breathing, nose and throat irritation, buildup of mucous membrane, nasal blockage.
  • Long-Term Side Effects: Lung Infection, Damage to the respiratory system, Damage to throat and nose, Damaged mucous membrane, Blood clots in lungs, pulmonary embolisms, nasal inflammation, and perforation of nasal passages. 

Along with these, snorting kratom can also cause various mental and physical problems:

Hallucinations, anxiety, aggressive behavior, tremors, seizures, vomiting.


Snorting kratom can be dangerous, so make sure you consume kratom in the form of tea or powder, etc. You must also know about the different strains of kratom and their benefits; in that way, you can select the best kratom strains for you.



Final Thoughts: Can You Snort Kratom?

This leads to the end of this article; we talked about how snorting kratom can create problems for you. Snorting kratom is not a good idea; the powder will form clumps in your throat and lungs and can cause serious long-term side effects.


There are many ways to consume kratom; you can take it as a capsule or make kratom tea. It is also available as extracts, which are the most concentrated form of kratom. You can make kratom consumption fun by adding the powder to your chocolate milk or making cookies.



Kratom has many benefits, but only if you take it the right way. Snorting kratom can harm you in many ways. Its short-term side effects include nose bleeding, swelling, nose and throat irritation, and nasal blockage. It also has long-term side effects like mucous membranes, nose, and throat damage. It also leads to lung infection, blood clots in the lungs, and pulmonary embolisms.


So, we recommend using kratom safely by consuming it the proper way. Snorting kratom will not get you high but can damage your respiratory tract and lungs. So be careful and safe.



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