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Clever Ways to Raise Money for Your Charity



Whether you are a small, independently funded charity that has been founded due to a personal experience with a particular disease, event, or emotional pull to animals, regardless of the nature of the charity, raising money is always at the heart.

With this in mind, instead of the usual, tried, and tested methods of building funds to support your non-profit business, continue reading to discover a selection of clever ways to raise money. 

  1. Organize Your Own Pantomime

Nothing says good old British humour than a pantomime, and should you have the right kind of personalities and confident individuals involved with your charity, why not put on a pantomime for your local community to raise funds.

Not only will the ticket price go towards helping the people (or animals) your charity supports, but you could also hold a raffle in the interval and have volunteers hold collection boxes on the door at the beginning and end of the performance. 

  1. Hold a Mentorship Auction

Next, organising a mentorship auction would be a unique and memorable way to raise funds by appealing to a more adult audience than the above suggestion. 

Especially if you live in an area with a high volume of young and enthusiastic professionals, instead of a regular auction or community raffle, you could instead reach out to local business professional and ask if they would be willing to donate an hour of their time to talk to an aspiring young person who is interested in their role. 

  1. Enhance Your Response Handling Support 

Charity Response Handling and  managed charity lottery service is an essential component of the success of any and all fundraising projects for your charity, and as such, enhancing and increasing the volume and reach of your response handling will only serve to increase donations in the future. 

Key tips for doing just this include:

  • Upgrade to automation where appropriate
  • Prepare and adapt to and for both busy and quiet periods
  • Optimise the donation process itself as much as possible
  • Always prioritise compliance and data protection 
  • Find the perfect balance between accuracy and speed 
  1. Hire a Dunk Tank

Whether in your local park or in the middle of the town centre (if you are brave enough), a fun and relatively simple idea is to hire a dunk tank.

Making sure you have advertised and promoted the impending dunking day ahead of time and on social media as well as in more conventional media such as the local newspaper; hiring and running a dunk tank will appeal to people of all ages; just make sure you arrange it for a warmer summer’s day!

  1. Arrange a Sponsored Haunted Sleepover

Finally, if you and other key members of your charity are up for sleeping rough for the night, living nearby a locally (supposedly) haunted house, you could arrange a sponsored sleepover there.

Not only should this drum up support by those who could not even stand to spend one hour in the pitch black at such a location, but this would also serve to bring the key members of your charity together in a bonding moment. 

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