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Ebony killed in tragic accident



ebony reign dead ebony reign dead[/caption] Music sensation Ebony Reigns (Priscilla Opoku-Kwarteng) has been reported dead. According to Graphic Online, the  explosive artiste was involved in an accident at Mankranso in the Ahafo Ano South district of Ashanti late Thursday night which claimed two other lives. The Mankranso police confirmed the tragic news to Joy FM, and said the accident involved a Jeep she was travelling on and a VIP bus. And pictures of the gory accident has been circulating on social media. Ebony was born 16th February, 1997, and was only a week shy of her 21st birthday. Ebony had been tipped to sweep the best and topmost laurels on offer at any local awards following the many hits she has churned out in her short but enterprising career. [caption id="attachment_118948" align="aligncenter" width="750"]ebony reign accident ebony reign accident[/caption]]>

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