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Exercise: The Best Stress Reliever



If you’re not a fitness buff, then you probably associate exercise with a negative feeling of dread. The thing is, you’re probably just looking at it from the wrong perspective! You don’t have to be a fitness addict to understand the value of exercise and how it can make your quality of life so much better. 

No one is a stranger to the amount of stress that accumulates throughout the day. Regardless of whether you have a job or not, work at home or are raising children, adulthood brings with it responsibility, and the onslaught of it all builds on our stress considerably. Exercise has the ability to release this stress by keeping your body active and in turn releasing hormones that counter anxiety and stress, while also strengthening your body so that you are able to have more energy to function throughout the day. Read on to have more insight on the importance of exercise and how it can actually be a constant and healthy cure to the stress in your life.


Exercise doesn’t have to be grueling and painful and hectic, it can actually be a ton of fun! Fitness enthusiasts are constantly coming up with different forms and approaches so that they can bring people with all sorts of interests into the world of fitness. 

  • Pole Dancing Classes: That’s right! This is a new fitness craze that is taking over the world. In Australia, for example, miss fit pole dancing in sydney offer classes that encourage women from all walks of life in all shapes and sizes to join. These classes are fun and exciting and they do wonders to the self-esteem, which is a great contributor to stress. You never have to stop feeling sexy just because your life is overwhelming. By going to these kinds of classes, you get to have fun, let loose, and get fit. Laughter and exercise, paired with a class that will give you self confidence is the perfect recipe for getting rid of stress.
  • Zumba: Zumba brings dance into getting fit, and it really is the best remedy for stress and it also gets you super fit. You get to jump around and dance, releasing any kind of negative energy you may have pent up.


There are forms of fitness that are on the other side of the spectrum. They allow you to detach from your surroundings while taking care of your body as well. 

  • Yoga: Yoga is the answer if you are not able to take on high energy forms of exercise, and there are so many types of yoga that you’re bound to come across one that tends to your needs.

Yoga focuses on attaining mental well being through physical exercises that comprise of controlling your breathing as you stretch your muscles and improve circulation all over your body. This is a great form of stress relief because it forces you to zone out and teaches you how to use your breathing in order to cope with trying situations. Yoga can even be done from the comfort of your own home. 

  • Tai Chi: Tai Chi is similar to yoga in that there are many different forms of it. It’s amazing for stress relief because it focuses on distinct, slow yet flowing movements that force you to focus on every single movement you make and gives you a sense of inner peace as you tap into your inner energy. Anyone can do Tai Chi. People of all ages, especially the elderly swear by it because it really gets the circulation going and is really beneficial for people who suffer from pain issues and muscle problems. And we all know that when there’s no physical pain, the stress goes away! 


Many of us have anger management issues and short tempers, and this is where our stress stems from. The best way to counter this stress is through exercise that aims to release all this negative energy in an effective way that will satisfy you and also get you fit at the same time.

  • Kickboxing: Kickboxing is ideal for stress relief because you get to use all your limbs to learn how to defend yourself, get a great workout, break a sweat, and most importantly, release all your anger and negative energy.
  • Circuit Training: At first sight, circuit training seems intimidating, but everyone that has tried it has never looked back. You get an intense workout with short intervals, and by the end of it, you’ve exhausted all that negative energy and put it into getting your body right and in shape. Stress gone!

There are so many options to relieve stress through exercise, and the best part is that there’s something out there for everyone of every shape, size and age. It’s not only for the fitness addicts, it’s for everyone who needs to get let the stress go. 

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