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Five further readings on online professional development



COVID-19 pandemic has seen many teachers and even organizational employees work remotely for an extended period worldwide. Most of the employees utilize technology to ensure that they do not interact with people face-to-face, which has helped curb the spread of the deadly virus. For instance, those offering services from professional dissertation writers which are fully operating online. You’ve seen several teachers teach effectively and assess students, especially when there were school closures recently with the help of the online community.

In this article, we are sharing this helpful idea focusing on online professional development. You can use the following guiding topics to search for future reading areas before getting your idea for paper writing.

Developing remote professional

Schoolers have reviewed publications done through rapid evidence assessment and concluded which you can read and make inferences when making a paper on online professional development. You can read their analysis and find the available evidence for the efficiency of how to approach remote professional developments Vis a Vis face-to-face and other combined approaches.


You can analyze reviews explicitly conducted to assist and support school leaders and learners during this time of COVID 19 pandemic where people work remotely due to the effects of COVID-19. Some good content focusing on the proper use of videos, interactive content, and the role of remote mentoring can also be appropriate if you need to focus your paper on Developing small professional topics.

Supporting situational knowledge through online communities of teachers

If you visit most online sites, you will find numerous papers that aim to assess whether an online community of teachers can support the development of situational knowledge. Such reports were meant to help beginners to transition smoothly from university to in-service teaching.

You can read from such materials to get information on how online platforms were designed to operate, how teachers used them, and their efficiency. After reading, you can suggest the prevalence of support that lies within the forum and recommend innovative platforms for teachers to share declarative knowledge.


Prospering a digital resource ecology with the teachers

You can read relevant reports related to this topic and assess the digital platforms developed for use by educators. The available publications, conduct a review on other online educational platforms, and develop recommendations suitable for designing a digital hub.

Continuous online professional learning.

On the above topic, research and write about a research proposal meant to deliver online professional learning through reading instruction—review models for improving reading outcomes, read the best college essay examples including instructional coaching using existing learning management systems. Read and get information on professional learning materials such as sharing of videos to those who are participating.


When reviewing papers related to Continuous online professional learning, compare data collected in the projects that appeared to show more effectiveness in online professional education.

Views on using web conferences to provide professional talks

Another exciting way of getting content for your academic paper is by analyzing the effects of weekly web conventions on the professional talks opportunities meant for teachers on training.

Find out how teachers on training view the web conference to give satisfaction, a deep level of interaction, and a sense of achievement compared to alternative activities that comprise face-to-face interactions.



With the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers worldwide have shifted their teaching mode, especially throughout the school closures. Therefore, this article has focused much on the available topics on online professional development during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many guiding topics for researching and reading on online professional development.

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