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Flirting Is Body language Too



When we flirt, we may think most about what we are going to say. We want the words to come outright to impress the person we are interested in, but it is important that we not forget to pay attention to our body language.

What you say with your body is just as important as what you say with your mouth. The right body language can convey so much to another person. As they say- a picture is worth a thousand words- so too does our body convey a lot without us having to say anything. Just smiling can have a lot of meaning in a conversation. Here are a few tips about how your body language affects flirting.

Your Smile Says Plenty

We mentioned the smile already, so let’s start with that. When you smile, you signal that you are listening to what the other person is saying and showing interest. Sometimes, it can be hard for people to pick up visual and verbal cues. They may not know if you like them or if you’re interested in what they’re saying. A smile is an obvious way to show interest and friendliness as well. It makes you look more welcoming and can get rid of any standoff-ish vibes you may have been putting out.


Your Feet Point Where You Want to Go

Did you know that your feet can tell someone where you’re interested in going even when you’re sitting or standing? People will reflexively and unconsciously point their feet where they want to go to.

If you’re looking to leave, you may point your feet toward the door, even if you’re having a conversation with someone. People might not notice where your feet are pointing if they’re looking at your face, but their mind we can pick up subconsciously what you are doing and where you want to go. You may be giving off verbal cues that you’re not even realizing.

If your feet are tensed up or pointed, that can show discomfort and make you seem impenetrable. If you look more relaxed, that can indicate that you’re paying attention and you are at ease.


If you want to flirt more successfully, pay attention to your feet and the body language you’re giving off. Try to keep your feet pointed toward the person you’re talking to and not toward the door.

Your Hands Tell a Story

The way you move your hands can show whether you’re comfortable or uncomfortable with someone. As you are using some of the flirting techniques discussed in มุขเสี่ยว, be careful about the messages you’re sending with your hands. If you’re holding your hands tightly, clenching them, wringing them or fidgeting nervously, all of that can indicate that you may not be interested in the person you’re talking to. Of course, it could indicate that you’re just nervous because you like them so much, but to the other person, it can make you seem uncomfortable and like you might not be attracted to them.

Moving your hands while you speak to accentuate what you’re saying and show interest in the conversation and can be a sign of a good conversationalist. If you don’t move your hands at all when you talk, that can make you seem tired, disinterested, or simply a poor conversationalist.


You may want to videotape yourself speaking to see what kind of hand movements you make. You could also try practicing talking in the mirror and look at your body language and particularly at your hands. They do tell a story, and other people can pick up on how you feel based on what your hands are doing.

Know Your Angles

Not all body language has to do with movement, when we’re talking about flirting. Sometimes, just how you hold and angle yourself can have an impact on how the conversation goes. You should know what your most attractive or desirable angle is. We want to make sure that your body catches the light in the right way and that you’re showing your best attributes off as you flirt. All of this can make you more attractive and appealing to the opposite sex.


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