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Funny Face kisses Nadia Buari in public



Ghanaian comedian, Funny Face almost had his wish to kiss star actress, Nadia Buari come true at the December edition of the ‘1000 laughs and Music’ show, when the actress offered Funny Face her cheek to kiss. It all started when the comedian spotted the sexy actress in the crowd, and started making some subtle jokes about her. When Funny Face referred to Nadia as his most desired lady in Ghana, Nadia blew him a kiss which caused him to ‘faint’ on stage. When he got up, he told that crowd that if only blowing a kiss his way could make him faint then he could imagine what a real kiss would do to him. Soon he started inciting the crowd to cheer Nadia on to grant him a kiss. Nadia bowed to the pressure and moved towards Funny Face to hug him. She then turned over her left cheek for a peck from the funnyman. Funny Face them remarked that he wasn’t going to bath for a long time so the kiss would linger on. Hmm, the things people get away with in the name of comedy!  ]]>