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Ghana International School presents Ghc12,173.65 to Children’s Heart Foundation



GIS Childrens Heart Foundation presentation hi resThe staff, students and parents of Ghana International School (GIS) have presented a sum of Ghc12,173.65  to The Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana.  The money, which was raised following GIS’ successful Christmas Appeal for funds, will cover the cost of a life-saving heart operation for a sick and needy eleven year-old girl.

Little Abigail Kwayisi, who attends the Faith Christian Academy was diagnosed with a heart defect known as Atrail Septal Defect (ASD) almost three years ago by doctors at Korle-bu Teaching Hospital. There the family were told she was in need of surgery, which would cost Ghc11,000. Abigail’s unemployed father, who has two other children, could not raise the funds required and thus called upon GIS to help him and his daughter.
GIS heard his plea and launched a fundraising campaign. Explaining the move, Mrs Mary Ocansey, Vice Principal for the Junior School said, “For the past five years, GIS has chosen to help needy children, and in particular children with heart defects. In the past we have been able to help approximately 10 children, some needing major surgery, others needing more basic procedures such as shunts.
“We collaborate with the Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana whose main purpose is to help children like Abigail receive the funds they so desperately need in order to benefit from treatment and live long, happy lives.”
The Principal of GIS, Mrs Diana Nyatepe-Coo added, “I’m overwhelmed by the prompt and generous response to our appeal this year. It gladdens our hearts to be able to help Abigail. Many thanks go to our parents, students and staff who gave over and above what was expected. Ayekoo!”
During the cheque presentation ceremony, Mrs Jackie Ahomka-Lindsay from the Children’s Heart Foundation thanked GIS for their generosity once again and explained to the students the importance of giving to others.
Abigail’s father, Mr Moses Kwayisi also took the opportunity to thank GIS for coming to his daughter’s rescue.
Ghc11,000 will be given to the Kwayisi family to pay for Abigail’s operation. The remaining sum will go towards treating minor heart defects in another needy child.

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