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Ghana’s first Blogging and Social Media Awards scheduled for March 2013



BloGH – BloggingGhana, Ghana’s biggest organization of bloggers and social media enthusiasts has announced that it would hold the maiden Blogging and Social Media Awards ceremony in March 2013. In an official statement from the non-profit organization explained the rational behind the awards: “We’ve all fantasized about being world-popular writers; had long conversations with ourselves in the shower;wowed the lawyer in us with the sheer wit of our arguments in the isolation of our bedrooms; calmed the storms and tsunamis of the world with Dalai Lama and Paulo Coelho. We’ve even changed policies and agenda with our very own mass followings, photoblogs, and online networks. In reality, this might not be the case, but in the world of the blogger, tweep, facebooker, everything is possible.” “It’s a closed world, personal and sometimes defiant, but it has influenced, shaped, and motivated many. And here at BloggingGhana, we firmly believe it’s about time we appreciate, honour, and award some of the personalities behind the blogs, tweets, and pages that have so motivated, informed, and affected many of us.” “So join us, in March 2013, to show special honour to our silent, unknown, sometimes faceless cyber and social media motivators. Yes, you, me, and she/him, at the first-ever in Ghana “Blog & Social Media Awards 2013”. If you are a blogger, tweep, facebooker, and you believe you have touched the world – really, it’s okay if you/person are not so up there, you should still make your nomination – locate yourself in the following categories:” ● Best Technology Blog ● Best Business & Commerce Blog ● Best Citizen Journalism Blog ● Best Creative, Literary Short Stories, Poetry Blog ● Best Showbiz and Entertainment Blog ● Best Lifestyle Blog ● Best Activist Blog ● Best Photo Blog ● Best Organisational Blog ● Best Blog Other Social Media Categories ● Personality with Best Social Media Presence ● Organisation with Best Social Media Presence ● Best Original Content Nomination Process BloggingGhana will open up Nominations for the above listed categories in November 2012 after which an Academy and the Public will vote for the best in each category. Voting will close in February 2013 and Presentation of awards will be at the BlogCamp Ghana 2013 event scheduled for March 2013. Visit then follow @BloggingGhana on Twitter, and stay locked on for updates on “the road to Blog & Social Media Awards! 2013”.]]>
