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GRP FEATS Unveils New Company Logo



GRP final LogoThe Ghanaian entertainment scene appears to be at a very exponential growth rate, constantly evolving and assuming a more corporate framework. GRP FEATS, a Ghanaian based entertainment company has released its new operational logo; an iconic and grand piece of artwork which reportedly depicts the firms scope and endeavors. The design was released this weekend across different platforms including social media.   GRP FEATS LIMITED has promised to deliver a never-seen-before experience in terms of entertainment in the local scene here. The company hasn’t put out any project yet but endeavors to dominate and elevate the entertainment industry in terms of events, celebrity management, music publishing, music distribution, tour management, merchandising etc. to the global level.   They haven’t really disclosed any acts they are working with yet but they have confirmed that they are currently working on “Lyrical Wars”, a battle rap event to be held before the end of this year. It seems they have something astounding in the pipeline ready to serve and urge all to be vigilant and await GREATNESS.]]>
