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Hiplife group, Praye says they are still strong together



PrayeAfter receiving public bashing for weeks, one would have thought that the issue of Selly’s romantic adventures in the Big Brother Africa house would be put to rest. But it seems Selly would have to brace herself for more criticisms. This time, Selly is being rumoured as the cause of an imminent split between her boyfriend Praye Tietia and Eugene Baah, the duo that make up Praye, the popular hiplife music group. Uncomfirmed reports claim that Eugene is not happy that Selly’s behaviour has had a negative impact on the group’s image. Only last Saturday, Eugene banged the phone on Kwasi Aboagye who had called him on Peace FM’s Entertainment Review programme to enquire about the supposed split. But speaking with Showbiz last Monday, Praye Tietia, who many believed should be considering whether to stick with his woman or stick with his pal, laughed over the question and described it as the “ wildest rumour” he had heard in recent times. “Where is this news also coming from?” he asked. “Take it from me; Praye Tietia is still very Praye and has no intention of going solo. I have had several calls today from fans and well-wishers to verify what they have heard but I just had to tell them that Praye is still going strong. “Just last night, I was with Eugene and we were planning the way forward; about how to push our music and before I wake up today, it is all over that we have split up”. Praye Tietia said that he was really surprised to learn that accusing fingers were being pointed at Selly for being the cause of the split remarking “I think Ghanaians have not had enough of her yet. At a time when I thought this Selly’s issue has died off and I could have my peace of mind, this news is bringing it up again and I sincerely don’t want to go on that path anymore”. He told Showbiz that Selly’s alleged rift with Eugene could have started off following the former’s absence at Eugene’s birthday party last month. “In my candid opinion, I think that Selly’s inability to be at Eugene’s party might have sparked off all these rumours but the truth is that she had other engagements on the night including a late night television interview. I told her not to come to the party because when she called later after midnight to inform me that she was on her way to the party, I thought it wasn’t safe for her to drive at that hour of the night. “Selly has always been a strong advocate of the Praye group giving publicity to our music in her own small way so how can such a person cause our split up?” he asked. When asked if truly Eugene gave him an option to either break up with Selly or risk being kicked from the Praye group, he laughed and said “ Do you really believe that Eugene can say that to a man of my age? That means he wants to choose my partner for me. Eugene has never said anything like that and for me, I don’t even want to give credit to rumours like these”. He debunked the perception held among the public that the “strength” of the Praye group has dwindled after the departure of its former member Praye Tenten. “Praye is still a very strong brand and anyone who has followed our music will testify that we still have our groove, music compositions intact and foremost, the signature of Praye is still in place. “I want our fans to know that we are very intact. They should watch out for our new singles, Forever Gone, Assembly Man and The Night Is Still Young and will know that we are stronger than before”, he said. Credit: Graphic Showbiz]]>