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How Much Does A Psychic Reading Cost and Are They Worth The Money?

If you’ve never gone for a psychic reading, you might get pleasantly surprised if you do. It’s understood that many people don’t believe in the power of a reading, yet most of those who have their doubts might be the same who have never experienced it. If you believe that psychic readings are all about […]



If you’ve never gone for a psychic reading, you might get pleasantly surprised if you do. It’s understood that many people don’t believe in the power of a reading, yet most of those who have their doubts might be the same who have never experienced it.

How Much Does A Psychic Reading Cost and Are They Worth The Money?
How Much Does A Psychic Reading Cost and Are They Worth The Money?

If you believe that psychic readings are all about future telling, and supplying you with hidden secrets that no one on earth but the psychic knows, then you’ve likely been misled about what is meant by a psychic reading. And if you’ve been misled, then there’s no doubt you would consider it a waste of time and money. If you need help, try the best online tarot reading services ranked by

It’s important to understand that you’re paying for a specialized skill, as you would with an engineer or doctor or any other field that requires specialized and expanded experience. To determine if a reading is worth your money, it would be better to first understand what a reading does and what the reader does. You could even find a free reading first to determine what you are willing to pay for – here’s a list of free psychics if this is something you’re interested in. Read on some more where we will cover a few basic points and clear some of the myths surrounding psychics.

Psychics aren’t mind readers: People tend to believe that, but psychics read into your energy and not your mind. We all have energy around us, and it is the energy that psychics tap into and translate that energy into something you can understand to navigate through your life better with more awareness. When you understand better yourself, others, and events and circumstances, then you become more equipped and better able to make the right decisions.  Anything concerning our mental state, can easily be asked by the psychic, but it won’t reveal much. It’s our energy that we struggle with when it comes to making good decisions. So a qualified psychic will understand your energy and pick up on that.

Psychics don’t know everything: Psychics are not extraterrestrial creatures! They’re just like everyone else and anyone else who has been born with a gift. They’ve honed their skills to be able to help others. They’re not expected to know everything throughout all hours of the day. Neither can they always be 100% correct in what they will tell you. The client’s skepticism is often a reason why they can be off sometimes. Add to that, a reader who is tired or exhausted for any personal reason, can be off on their reading. So, it’s important that you get a reading when the time is right for both of you. A good psychic will not do a reading if they’re feeling under the weather or just not up to it at the time. 


Intuition is a small part: Just having good intuition doesn’t qualify a person to be a psychic, since almost everyone does have a certain level of intuition. For many psychics, readings are their career, and they’ve studied many years and expanded their skills to reach a level that allows them to read for other people. So again here, you’re not paying for something that is innate in all of us, but for something special that only a few can give.

Now that we’ve covered some basics, you’d be interested to know how much a reading would cost you. Readings are anything but ‘a one size for all’ so the cost of a psychic reading will vary. Plus, readings can be carried out in different ways, such as face-to-face, phone or video chats,  Newbies, for example, might not charge you anything, or charge you a small amount because their main goal is to practice and gain more experience. Some readings can go very expensive when the psychic is very well known. But more, doesn’t always mean better, so you want to choose a psychic based on a good reputation.

Here’s more information on prices and why they can vary.

An in person session is less costly than a phone or video chat. That’s because the psychic doesn’t need to make any special pre-arrangements with a walk-in client as they would with a phone-in client. You can expect to pay around $20 for a 10-minute sessions, and about $60 for a half-hour. So your average hour reading will be in the range of $120.

What’s the price on comfort?

If you feel you’d be getting value for the money, then cost shouldn’t be an issue. A psychic helps and directs you to a better and more comfortable life. If you continue to view it as buying an hour of a psychic’s time, it might seem too expensive. But in fact, you’re buying a skill and years of mastering that skill to help you live better.




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