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How to become a teacher without a degree in education



Teaching is one of the noblest professions in the world. Many people want to become teachers yet they do not possess a basic education degree. The degree should never be a hindrance. There is a way you can still teach without the degree. Joining reading webinars for teachers can help to prepare you.

A degree in education is a crucial requirement for registration as a teacher. However, there are other avenues people use to get into the profession. Get the best essay writing service on to take up most of your assignments and help you focus on your passion for education and other personal engagements.

The simplest path to becoming a teacher is acquiring an education degree. However, not everyone has that chance. Others have pursued professional careers yet would love to be accredited to teach. The red tape will stop you from teaching regardless of your alternative qualification. Here is a guide on how to become a teacher without pursuing a degree in education.

Complete a degree in a related subject


Teachers are expected to disseminate information on different subjects. For instance, a teacher may specialize in history, biology, chemistry, English, and other teaching subjects. The first step towards teaching without an education degree is to show proof of competence to handle these subject areas.

The degree must have been acquired from a reputable institution. Each state and department is left with the simpler role of fine-tuning your pedagogy. It will be easier because you already know the concepts you are supposed to deliver.

Enroll in the alternative certification course

Teachers are certified to teach upon completion of their training. However, a graduate in another area has to learn about teaching and education to qualify to teach. The training takes place during the alternative certification course.


Private schools, chartered institutions, and non-profit organizations consider teaching as volunteer work. They do not demand certification or teaching credentials. However, you have to demonstrate that you understand the concepts you will be teaching in class. Public institutions demand a license to allow you to teach.

The bachelor’s degree should have been acquired over 4 years according to most states. It is a guarantee that you understand the concepts and will only require retraining on delivery. An associate degree is also acceptable in some institutions and states. It is, therefore, a fluid situation, especially left to the discretion of states.

Shortage of qualified candidates

While states set the standards for teachers to handle lessons, some areas experience a shortage of trained personnel. The states are forced to forego the demand for trained professionals. It is a perfect entry point if you have a passion for education and would like to join the class.


The states issue temporary licenses. The licenses are issued on the condition that you will pursue a certification course in education within a reasonable time. In case the state finds qualified professionals, you can be forced to relinquish your position as a teacher. You must demonstrate a willingness to take the state licensing exam and obtain your certification.

Masters in Education

A postgraduate degree in education is another route for prospective teachers. You may pursue a Masters in Art- teaching option or Masters of Education. The challenge with these options is the cost and time taken to complete the courses. However, it is an express route that you can take to acquire a license in any state. Further, it opens the way for you to expand your training beyond the subjects you have mastered.

The noble professional that is education seeks to maintain its stature by insisting on a degree in education for all teachers. The shortcut is to pursue short-term certification while you hold a temporary license. If you want to dive deep into teaching, a Masters of Education or Masters of Teaching will do the trick.

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