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How to help your autistic child with day-to-day living?



There are several instances when pregnancies do not turn out the healthiest. While many may include birth complications, autism and ADHD are two medical conditions that a child can be diagnosed with after they are born. In contrast to Down’s Syndrome, autism can be caused due to an array of reasons, from developmental complications or external factors during the pregnancy phase. One such debatable topic is the use of Tylenol during pregnancy. However, if you have an autistic child to care for, your life may seem a bit isolated due to the difference in pace and approach toward their growth. Not all is lost, though, since modern medicine, psychology, education, and childcare systems have joined hands to make this a simpler journey for parents and autistic children alike. It is possible for you to teach them survival skills, communication, and education to a certain level. Here are seven tips that can help you help them live a better life every day.

  • Increase familiarity with their name: One of the main issues experienced by the parents of children with autism is retaining their attention. However, the logic behind them not being able to focus on you or your instructions is actually quite simple. When you speak to them with long or ambiguous words, it may become difficult to understand what you actually mean. Instead, form a simple way to get their attention and develop their sense of recall. Use their name extensively to get them familiar with it, so that the next time they hear you say it, they know they are being spoken to directly.


  • Simplify your communication: As developed humans, we are able to take on a slew of tasks and instructions of varied complexities at once. But for an autistic child, this may become too overwhelming, leading to temper tantrums, freeze response, or non-reactiveness. Using the tools available online and for free, try developing a simplified yet structured way of communication that can help them understand you, and communicate back with ease. This can start at an early age with a mix of symbols, objects, touch, sound, and gestures. As they get comfortable picking up on various cues, you can make your communication more generalized so that teachers and helpers can reach them as well.
  • Follow up on your legal aid: Have you been feeling the budget crunch due to the money spent on therapies? There are several cases of autism that were the result of pregnant mothers relying on the perceived trustworthy Tylenol. However, it led to symptoms and the development of autism in many fetuses, leaving the parents dealing with the aftermath. To secure the future of your child and to help them get all the resources they need on a daily basis, you need to fight for their rights. With the help of your lawyer, check up on Tylenol autism lawsuit financing remedies to receive the care your child needs. This will also open up doors to the best medical experts and therapists who can help your child thrive despite autism.


  • Give them time to understand and execute instructions: Autism and ADD are known to impact the learning ability of children affected by it. So, while your child is getting used to what you’re teaching them, give them time. They may require several tries to get the basics right, while a non-autistic child may get it right in the first go. Also based on spectrums, some may struggle more than others. Be patient and give them their time to learn.


  • Help them with expressing their emotions: One of the most challenging aspects when it comes to raising children with autism is helping them with emotional outlets. Since they aren’t quite yet adept at expressing how they feel, parents may be left perplexed and frustrated. To help you understand exactly what your child is feeling, teach them the basics of emoting their feelings through sound buttons, emojis, and so on.



Wrapping Up:

Since autism affects the overall cognition, mobility, and mental processing power of a child, it is highly necessary to develop a lot of patience. Some days they may be extremely receptive to your teachings while others may feel like a downward-sloping curve. On the brighter side, there is always another day to start over again, and you will notice how extraordinarily susceptible these darlings can be when they learn to communicate in their unique manner. No matter what side of the spectrum your baby resides in, building a bond you both can comfortably share will change your lives for the better. We hope that our blog leaves you feeling more informed, and in the process, comforted.

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