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How to use the chart pattern like a pro trader



Chart pattern trading has become a very popular way to make consistent profit in the stock market. The majority of the traders have realized the fact short term trading method is not that useful in the trading industry. So, they are trying to learn about long-term trading techniques. When it comes to long-term trading techniques, the chart pattern trading strategy is by far the most effective means to find reliable trade signals in the market.

In this article, we are going to discuss some amazing techniques by which you can trade the major chart patterns like a pro trader. Though some of the steps will be hard, you can easily learn this by using the tips mentioned in this article.

Continuation chart pattern

As a new stock trader, you should not be trading the market based on the reversal chart pattern. Reversal chart pattern trading is very tough and the risk factors are also very high. To keep your fund safe, you should be looking at the important market variables and look for reliable trade signals which favor the trend. Once you start focusing on the trend trading technique, you will find things easier. Moreover, most of the breakout takes place in favour of the existing trend and thus the retail traders can easily make a big profit without facing much hassle.

Reversal chart pattern

After learning about the continuation chart pattern trading technique, you need to learn some advanced trading techniques by which you can deal with the reversal patterns in the market. Look at this site and learn about the reversal pattern trading technique so that you can take wise decisions in the investment business. Never think you can become good at trading without practicing the things in the demo account. Get a professional demo account from Saxo and try to learn the reversal chart pattern trading strategies in a very effective way. As you become confident with your demo trading performance, you may start trading with real money.


Learn candlestick pattern

You should integrate price action trading basics with the chart pattern trading technique to find the best possible trade signals in the market. Without learning to deal with the major candlestick patterns in the market, things will be really difficult in the trading industry. You need to follow some basic rules and take the trades in a very strategic way. As you become good at analyzing the major candlestick pattern, you will learn to find the major breakout with a high level of precision. While trading the major breakout, try to follow a conservative trading technique as it will make you more confident with your actions.

Learn to trade with low risk

Smart traders never trade the market with high risk. They use a low-risk trading approach since they know trading is one of the riskiest businesses in the world. The maximum risk which you should take per trade is 1% of your account balance. However, as you gain experience, you can risk more than 1% of your account balance. But remember, chart pattern traders also deal with frequent losing trades. Never expect that you will be winning most of the trades without doing the proper data analysis. Take your time and learn to deal with the market in a conservative way. As you become good at that, you will learn to make the right decision in the trading profession.

Trade with confidence

After learning about the chart pattern trading method, you should work on your confidence level. Without having strong confidence in your trading actions, you will never learn to deal with the losing trades. Most people think emotions have no place in the investment industry. And this is very true. Sadly, the rookie traders don’t believe in this factor. But to survive in this profession, you must gain control over your emotions and trade the market with strong confidence.

