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AmeyawDebrah.Com announces ‘Yummy Mummy Of The Month’



So in the spirit of celebrating Mothers’ Days, I have come up with yet another one of my crazy ideas for my lifestyle section, and depending on the response, it may become a regular monthly contest just like ‘GH Hunk & Hottie of the Month’. 

So basically, I want us to celebrate a ‘Yummy mummy’ each month –  young or old mothers who still look amazing after going through the tough cycle of carrying a baby in their wombs for 9-months, childbirth, breast-feeding and bringing up their children.

If you fit the description or think your mother fits the description, then send photos and details such as name, number of children, occupation or age (I know ladies don’t tell their age hahaha) to

The winner will get a special treat and gifts from me…wink.


People & Lifestyle

How to Protect Your Rights in a Personal Injury Claim




Navigating a personal injury claim can be a complex and daunting process, especially when dealing with the physical, emotional, and financial toll of an injury. Knowing your rights and taking the necessary steps can make a significant difference in the outcome of your claim. In this article, we will discuss the key aspects of protecting your rights in a personal injury claim, from understanding the types of claims to negotiating with insurance companies and seeking legal representation. By following these guidelines and seeking the appropriate support, you can ensure that your rights are protected and receive the compensation you deserve.

Understanding Your Rights in a Personal Injury Claim

So, you’ve found yourself in the not-so-fun situation of dealing with a personal injury claim. It’s important to know your rights in this scenario so you can navigate the process like a boss. Personal injury claims can include things like slip and falls, car accidents, or even getting hit on the head by a falling coconut (it happens more often than you’d think).

Types of Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury claims come in all shapes and sizes. They can range from minor bumps and bruises to more serious issues like broken bones or whiplash. Understanding the type of claim you’re dealing with will help you know what kind of compensation you might be entitled to.

Steps to Take Immediately After an Injury

So, you’ve just taken a tumble or had a fender bender. What now? Don’t panic – just follow these steps to get things back on track.

Seeking Medical Attention

First things first, make sure you’re okay. Seek medical attention right away, even if you feel fine at the moment. Sometimes injuries can creep up on you later like a bad ex on social media.


Preserving Evidence at the Scene

Next, play detective and gather any evidence you can at the scene. Take pictures, get witness info, and jot down anything important before it disappears like those cookies you hid from your roommates.

Importance of Documenting Evidence

Think of documenting evidence like creating a scrapbook of your personal injury claim. It’s not as fun as vacation photos, but it’s crucial for proving your case.

Photos and Videos

Snap some pics and videos of the scene, your injuries, and anything else relevant. Just make sure to get the lighting right – you’re not staging an Instagram photoshoot, after all.

Witness Statements

Get statements from any witnesses who saw what happened. Their accounts can be like gold in the land of personal injury claims, helping support your side of the story.

Navigating the Claims Process

Ah, the claims process – a journey full of paperwork, phone calls, and waiting on hold. But fear not, we’ve got some tips to help you glide through it like a pro.


Filing a Claim with Insurance

Make sure to file a claim with your insurance company promptly. They need to know what’s up so they can start the process of compensating you for your troubles.

Dealing with Adjusters

Adjusters are like the gatekeepers of your claim. Be honest and provide them with all the info they need to evaluate your case. Just remember, they’re not your BFF – they’re there to do a job, so keep things professional.**Negotiating with Insurance Companies**

Negotiating with insurance companies can be like haggling with a stubborn toddler over the last cookie. But fear not, there are ways to navigate this process effectively.

Tips for Effective Negotiation

  1. Know Your Worth: Research similar cases and understand the value of your claim.
  2. Stay Patient: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a fair settlement.
  3. Document Everything: Keep detailed records of medical bills, lost wages, and any other relevant expenses.
  4. Consider Legal Representation: Sometimes, having a lawyer on your side can speak volumes.

Understanding Settlement Offers

When the insurance company finally offers you a settlement, it’s like receiving a gift from that one relative who always gives you socks. Understand the terms, consult with a professional if needed, and remember, you don’t have to accept the first offer.


Seeking Legal Representation

Deciding when to bring in a personal injury lawyer can be as tricky as choosing the right filter for your next Instagram post. But don’t fret, there are signs to watch out for.

When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

  1. Complex Cases: If your case involves multiple parties or intricate legal issues.
  2. Severe Injuries: For serious injuries with long-term consequences.
  3. Insurance Hurdles: When the insurance company is giving you the runaround.

Benefits of Legal Assistance

From navigating legal jargon to handling pesky paperwork, having a personal injury lawyer in your corner can make a world of difference. They’re like the sidekick you never knew you needed.

Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution


Imagine mediation like going to therapy with your ex – awkward yet oddly productive. When it comes to personal injury cases, exploring alternative dispute resolution methods can save you time, money, and sanity.

Exploring Mediation Options

Mediation offers a neutral ground to discuss settlement terms outside the courtroom. It’s like getting divorced but for your personal injury claim.

Benefits of ADR in Personal Injury Cases

  1. Faster Resolutions: Avoid lengthy court battles and expedite the settlement process.
  2. Cost-Effective: Mediation can save you from expensive legal fees and court costs.
  3. Control and Flexibility: You have a say in the outcome and can tailor solutions to fit your needs.

Understanding the Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations is like the expiration date on a carton of milk – if you miss it, things can get sour real quick. Knowing the deadlines and exceptions can save you from a legal curdling mess.

Deadline for Filing a Lawsuit

The clock starts ticking from the moment you’re injured. Missing this deadline could mean forfeiting your right to seek compensation. So, keep an eye on the calendar like your life depends on it.

Exceptions to the Statute of Limitations

Certain circumstances, like delayed discovery of an injury or incapacitation, may warrant an extension to the statute of limitations. It’s like getting a hall pass for being fashionably late, but in a legal context.


Closing Thoughts

Empowering Yourself in Your Personal Injury Claim

In conclusion, protecting your rights in a personal injury claim by Christian Foyle is essential to securing a fair outcome and receiving the compensation you are entitled to. By following the steps outlined in this article, from documenting evidence to seeking legal representation, you can navigate the claims process with confidence and advocate for your rights effectively. Remember that you do not have to face this challenge alone – reaching out for support and guidance can make a significant difference in the success of your claim. Stay informed, proactive, and assertive in protecting your rights throughout the process, and strive for a resolution that upholds your best interests.


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African Development Bank proposes Annual Africa Media Prize to promote more balanced reporting of continent and its achievements



African Development Bank proposes Annual Africa Media Prize to promote more balanced reporting of continent and its achievements

Dr Akinwumi Adesina, the president of the African Development Bank Group (, announced the creation of an Annual Africa Media Prize to recognise and profile African journalists, correspondents and media houses that showcase Africa’s achievements and progress.

Adesina said the African Development Bank would work with the AllAfrica Media organisation and African financial institutions to establish the prize as part of efforts to promote more positive reporting of developments on the continent. He was delivering a keynote speech yesterday during a media leaders’ summit convened by AllAfrica Media.

“Africa must shape its own narrative, and not depend on what others think about it or the perspectives they prefer to share about it, its achievements, and opportunities… Positive stories of African investment opportunities need to be well showcased, as they unfortunately do not get sufficient coverage, if any at all, in western media,” Dr Adesina declared.

He also proposed that the African Development Bank, Africa Import-Export Bank, and all regional financial institutions pool resources to support the emergence of a globally respected African media company that will position the news of Africa to the world.

The summit on the theme of “Re-engineering African Media in Times of Critical Transformation” brings together over 300 African media owners and operators, government officials, corporate leaders, academics, civil society champions, and development partners to discuss the business of media and the critical role it must play in shaping Africa’s future.


“The media has a critically important role, by being fair, objective, inquisitive, investigative yes, but also by being a catalyst for development, and promoting positive news about tangible African accomplishments, achievements, and developments,” he said in his address.

Dr Adesina also called on development institutions in Africa to set up a joint repository of verified and standardised stories, videos and content that will make it easier to aggregate and write stories on what is being achieved in Africa.

He also pledged that the African Development Bank, working with partners and the African financial institutions would also help establish the African Journalists’ and Correspondents’ Fellowships to help build and strengthen the capacities of journalists and correspondents working in Africa.

“Together let us continue to promote Africa. I call on you as leaders of the media, become the vuvuzelas for Africa! Tell Africa’s positive stories,” he urged his audience of media executives from across the continent.

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Delivering Freedom: The Impact of Weed Delivery on Consumer Choice



5 World's Most Expensive Weed of 2023

In Surrey, the introduction of cannabis delivery services has revolutionized the consumer experience, providing unprecedented access to a wide range of products from the comfort of home. This concept, often referred to as Surrey cannabis delivery, symbolizes a significant shift towards consumer empowerment in the cannabis industry. By enabling the direct delivery of cannabis products to one’s doorstep, these services enhance consumer convenience and choice, shaping a new era of personalized and satisfactory purchasing experiences.

Expanding Consumer Access

Weed delivery services are pivotal in democratizing access to cannabis by mitigating geographical and physical limitations. For residents in remote or underserved areas, these services ensure that a wider range of products is just a few clicks away. Furthermore, the integration of sophisticated online platforms and mobile apps has streamlined the ordering process, making it accessible to a broader demographic, including those who might face mobility challenges or time constraints that make traditional shopping methods less feasible.

Enhancing Consumer Convenience

The primary allure of weed delivery services lies in their unparalleled convenience. Customers relish the ability to browse, select, and receive cannabis products without ever leaving their homes, which is particularly appealing in today’s fast-paced world. This mode of purchase not only saves time but also preserves privacy, a significant consideration for many consumers in the cannabis market. The convenience offered contrasts sharply with the experience of visiting physical dispensaries, which might involve travel, waiting in lines, and limited hours of operation.


Diversifying Product Choices

One of the most notable advantages of weed delivery services is the extensive array of products available. Unlike physical stores, which are often limited by shelf space and local inventory, online platforms can offer a wider selection, including rare or specialty products. This breadth of choice encourages consumers to explore new strains and products, including edibles, oils, and topical treatments, thus fostering a culture of experimentation and customization in cannabis consumption.

Tailoring Experiences to Individual Preferences

The ability of weed delivery services to tailor experiences to individual preferences cannot be overstated. Through user-friendly interfaces, consumers can not only filter and select cannabis products that meet specific criteria such as potency, strain type, and form (e.g., flower, edibles, tinctures) but can also receive personalized recommendations based on past purchases and browsing history. This bespoke approach enables a much deeper and engaging consumer experience. For instance, a customer in Surrey who prefers CBD-dominant products for therapeutic reasons can easily navigate and find a curated selection suited to their needs, a service seldom as finely tuned in physical stores.

Impact on Consumer Education and Awareness


Weed delivery platforms also play a pivotal role in educating consumers. Many platforms include detailed product descriptions, usage instructions, and information about the source and cultivation practices. This transparency is vital for building trust and enabling consumers to make informed decisions. For example, a novice user in Surrey might be hesitant about trying cannabis. Through delivery services, they can access a wealth of information at their fingertips, which helps demystify products and encourages safe and informed usage. This educational aspect, coupled with the ability to discreetly ask questions through customer service chat functions, enhances consumer confidence and comfort with cannabis products.

Encouraging a Shift in Consumer Behavior

The convenience and breadth of information available through weed delivery services are encouraging a more significant shift in consumer behavior towards online shopping for cannabis products. This shift is particularly noticeable among demographics that traditionally preferred in-store purchases. The trend towards online shopping is not just about convenience but also about the richer, more informed consumer journey that online platforms offer. As a result, even seasoned cannabis users in Surrey are increasingly opting for the ease and comprehensive nature of online purchasing, highlighting how delivery services are not just meeting but creating consumer demand.

Regulatory Influence on Consumer Choice

Regulations play a crucial role in shaping the scope and efficacy of weed delivery services. The legal framework governing cannabis delivery varies widely between jurisdictions, influencing everything from the types of products that can be delivered to the protocols for delivery. In regions with progressive cannabis laws, consumers enjoy greater freedom and a more diverse product selection. Conversely, stringent regulations can restrict access and limit consumer choice, underscoring the need for advocacy and informed policy-making to support consumer interests.



The impact of weed delivery services on consumer choice is profound and multifaceted. By expanding access, enhancing convenience, and diversifying product options, these services not only meet the evolving needs of consumers but also drive the industry forward. As regulations continue to evolve and technology advances, the prospects for further enhancing consumer choice and satisfaction in Surrey and beyond appear promising. This progression not only reflects the growing acceptance of cannabis but also highlights the critical role of delivery services in shaping the future of cannabis consumption.


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10 Warning Signs A Leader’s Emotional & Mental Health Might Be At Great Risk – 2



Dr. Abiola Salami

As we prepare to host leaders for Dr. Abiola Salami International Leadership Bootcamp in Mombasa, Kenya next month, we consider it important to discuss Emotional and Mental Health (EMH) in leadership this month of May. This week, we will conclude the discussion on 10 Warning Signs A Leader’s Emotional & Mental Health Might Be At Great Risk.

10 Warning Signs A Leader’s Emotional & Mental Health Might Be At Great Risk – 2

E. When The Leader’s Energy Begins To Dip 

Leaders are largely supposed to inspire action by their very example of enthusiasm. Emotional and mental challenges makes people more depressed and heavy-hearted. This inward disposition usually manifests outwardly; a leader who used to be the brightest bulb in the room can turn drab when beset by these challenges. They become more pessimistic and don’t see the need to put their best foot forward because they don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. This can also be seen in the longer turnaround time for tasks, they take forever to complete basic responsibilities. Such leaders have lost the zeal for what they do.

F. When The Leader Becomes Less Tolerant & More Irritable


One classic sign that emotional and health challenges are at play in a leader’s life is that there is a preponderance of transferred aggression. Frustrations in such leaders’ personal life spill into their professional life. When an irritable leader fights a colleague at work, he or she is really fighting himself or herself. Everyone interacting with this leader will have their share of the internal chaos as our words and behaviours are the expressions of our internal state. When a leader consistently adopts an irritable method to project their discontent to others, it could be a sign that such leader requires rehabilitation and therapy. Emotional intelligence is how great leaders work alongside people they may not even agree with on certain issues, so when a leader throws all caution to the wind and simply doesn’t take cognizance of the implications of his or her words and actions – it may mean that mental health is a causality.

G. When The Leader’s Speech Becomes Less Coherent

Not every leader is blessed with the gift of the garb, many leaders are average communicators – they do just enough to get results. Therefore, a repeated pattern of incoherent speech isn’t really an indictment on a leader’s communication prowess, it really speaks to the underlying issue of incoherent thoughts. When a person’s mind is troubled, the thoughts that originate from such mind would accordingly be troubled and this is easily portrayed during speech. Neurotransmitters: brain cells function using rapid electrical impulses – a process that anchors human thoughts, behaviour and understanding of his or her environment. Just like conventional electricity, there is a possibility of a short-circuit within the brain owing to neurons not being able to work in concert and these distortions affect regular speech amongst other things.

H. When The Leader Is Enmeshed In Addictions and Obsessive Compulsive Behaviours

For example, heavy smoking, drinking, or having multiple sexual partners could all coping mechanisms. Trauma literally changes how the brain operates; this has been scientifically proven. So obsessive compulsive behaviours are really a response to emotional and mental health challenges, they are examples of looking for solutions but in all the wrong places. Addictions can come in the forms of seemingly innocuous activities like watching television, spending too much time on social media, or even spending too much shopping. These actions may not be harmful in themselves but because they are used to fill an inner void, they have a capacity to be abused. In the workplace, when leaders use leisure activities as a substitute for confronting issues, that could be a sign of emotional and mental health challenges.


I. When The Leader Tells Unprovoked Lies and Gives More Excuses

Emotional and mental health challenges amongst other things exposes a person to panic attacks. This makes the person become more anxious than ordinary; hence when there is an interrogation by others over their erratic behaviour – they deflect by lying or making excuses instead of telling the truth because stating things as they are only makes them more vulnerable. When a leader finds it hard to give straight answers to simple questions or requests, it may mean that they are hiding something which is a sign that all is not well. Lies and excuses are tools for avoiding accountability because if the truth were to be revealed, it could expose beyond a dereliction of duty for a disturbing pattern of thinking that is not consistent with an organization’s values.

J. The Leader’s Physical Health Is Frequently Challenged

Health is wholesome, so as much as the focus is mental health – there is a correlation between what goes on in our heads and how our physical body responds to such stimuli. Most depressed people usually physically manifest their emotional state. This is why therapy works where certain drugs don’t work because we are more controlled by our unconscious minds than our conscious awareness.

Growth Opportunities


To further position your leaders for peak performance, you can download a free copy of the latest edition of The Peak Performer Magazine You can also enrol your Mid-level  Leadership Team for the Made4More Accelerator Program and your Senior Leadership Team for the Dr. Abiola Salami International Leadership Bootcamp MOMBASA 2024 We also have an upcoming training for leaders in public service 

About Dr. Abiola Salami

Dr. Abiola Salami is the Convener of Dr Abiola Salami International Leadership Bootcamp and The Peak PerformerTM. He is the Principal Performance Strategist at CHAMP – a full scale professional services firm trusted by high performing business leaders for providing Executive Coaching, Workforce Development & Advisory Services to improve performance. You can reach his team on and connect with him @abiolachamp on all social media platforms.

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What is a Pendant Necklace? The Ultimate Guide



Pendant Necklace

I love necklaces. But there are so many types! It can be confusing. Have you heard of a pendant necklace? It’s a necklace with a charm that hangs down. Pendant necklaces are really popular. They come in lots of styles and designs.

You can even make your own personalized pendant design from professional jewelers. These necklaces have been around for a long time. But not everyone knows their secrets.

I’m going to tell you all about pendant necklaces and show you how to create your own personalized pendant design that speaks to your unique story.

Understanding Pendant Necklaces

What is a pendant necklace? It is a piece of jewelry that features a pendant or charm attached to a chain or cord worn around the neck. But I’m telling you it’s just the beginning. Pendant necklaces come in an endless variety of styles, materials, and designs, making them the perfect canvas for self-expression.



Whether you prefer delicate and dainty or bold and statement-making, there’s a pendant necklace out there for you. From simple geometric shapes to intricate and symbolic designs, the possibilities are truly endless.

Making Your Pendant Necklace Uniquely Yours

One of the most exciting aspects of pendant necklaces is the opportunity for personalization. By creating your own personalized pendant design, you can transform a simple accessory into a meaningful and cherished keepsake.

Consider incorporating elements that hold special significance to you, such as:

  • Birthstones or zodiac signs
  • Initials for monograms
  • Meaningful symbols or motifs
  • Engraved messages or quotes


By infusing your pendant necklace with personal touches, you create a one-of-a-kind piece that tells your unique story. It becomes more than just a fashion statement – it becomes a tangible representation of your journey, your passions, and your identity.

How to Choose the Perfect Pendant Necklace?

With so many options available, choosing the perfect pendant necklace can feel overwhelming. Here are a few tips to help you navigate the world of pendant necklaces and find the one that speaks to your heart:


Consider Your Personal Style

Are you drawn to classic and timeless designs, or do you prefer trendy and edgy pieces? Your personal style should guide your choice of pendant necklace. Look for designs that complement your wardrobe and reflect your unique aesthetic.

Think About Functionality

Will you be wearing your pendant necklace every day, or is it reserved for special occasions? Consider factors like durability, comfort, and versatility when making your selection. A delicate chain may be perfect for a formal event, while a sturdier option might be better suited for daily wear.

Let Your Intuition Guide You

Sometimes, the perfect pendant necklace chooses you. Trust your instincts and gravitate towards designs that resonate with you on a deeper level. Whether it’s a symbol that holds personal meaning or a color that evokes a certain emotion, let your intuition be your guide.

Styling Your Pendant Necklace: Creative Ideas to Elevate Your Look

Once you’ve found your perfect pendant necklace, it’s time to have fun styling it! Here are some creative ideas to help you elevate your look:

Layer with Other Necklaces

Create a dynamic and visually interesting look by layering your pendant necklace with other chains of varying lengths and textures. Mix and match metals, incorporate contrasting pendants or pair a dainty chain with a chunkier option for an on-trend look.


Pair with Different Necklines 

Experiment with different necklines to showcase your pendant necklace in new ways. A V-neck top can beautifully frame a delicate pendant, while a high-neck sweater can provide a stunning backdrop for a bolder design.

Play with Asymmetry

Embrace the unexpected by wearing your pendant necklace off-center or at an angle. This playful approach adds a touch of edginess and individuality to your look. Don’t be afraid to experiment and break away from traditional placements.

Pendant Necklaces as Thoughtful Gifts

Pendant necklaces make wonderful gifts for loved ones, as they carry an extra layer of thoughtfulness and sentiment. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, or a milestone achievement, a personalized pendant design can convey your love and support in a tangible way.


Consider gifting a pendant necklace that represents a shared memory, inside joke, or aspiration. By choosing a design that holds special meaning to the recipient, you create a gift that will be cherished for years to come.


Timeless Appeal of Pendant Necklaces: A Final Reflection

As I’ve explored the enchanting world of pendant necklaces, it’s clear that these accessories are more than just pretty baubles. They are storytellers, conversation starters, and expressions of our innermost selves.


So the next time someone asks you, “What is a pendant necklace?” you can confidently respond that it’s a piece of jewelry that has the power to capture moments, evoke emotions, and tell the unique story of the wearer.


Whether you’re creating your own personalized pendant design or selecting a ready-made piece that speaks to your soul, remember that a pendant necklace is more than just an accessory – it’s a reflection of your journey, your passions, and your identity.



So go ahead, embrace the charm of pendant necklaces, and let your unique story shine through. After all, life is too short to wear boring jewelry.

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Travelport, Africa World Airlines forge strategic partnership to revolutionize travel experience



The executives of Travelport and AWA cutting the cake to solidify the partnership

Travelport, a global travel technology company, and Africa World Airlines (AWA), West Africa’s leading domestic and regional carrier, have launched a ground-breaking collaboration aimed at reinventing the travel experience for customers across the African continent and beyond.

Sunny Prakash Gupta, the Regional Manager of Gtech Distribution Pvt Ltd – Travelport Official partner in Central and West Africa, expressed delight with the collaboration and confirmed Travelport’s commitment to offer continuous access to a wide selection of goods from Africa World Airlines. 

“Today, Travelport officially announces that it has signed an agreement with Africa World Airline (AWA) – the leading domestic and regional carrier in West Africa. This multi-year deal confirms that Travelport’s agencies will have continued access to wide range of products from AWA through the Travelport+ platform,” he announced.

Mr. Gupta noted that Travelport agents will have seamless access to AWA’s products via the Travelport+ platform. He stated that this will make it easier for travel dealers to search, shop, and compare Africa World Airlines’ latest offerings.

In a speech, Africa World Airlines’ Head of Commercial, Jonathan Appiah, emphasized the airline’s commitment to providing exceptional service and seamless connectivity to its passengers, emphasizing the value of its collaboration with Travelport.


“At Africa World Airlines, we have always been committed to providing exceptional service and seamless connectivity to our passengers. By partnering with Travelport, we gain access to cutting-edge technology, a vast network of travel agents, and a wealth of expertise that will enable us to enhance our offerings and deliver unparalleled convenience,” he stated.

He also stated that their collaboration with Travelport will boost their distribution channels and raise their awareness in worldwide markets. He stated that this will not only benefit their airline, but will also help to strengthen the aviation business in Ghana and the subregion.

“This is very huge. The more your customers see your products out there, the more they’re able to also book, so definitely this impact on our passenger numbers which also helps in revenue and revenue generation make a company a growing concern so it’s a very strategic alliance that is going to help us to achieve what we want to achieve in the long term,” he asserted.

Mr. Appiah went ahead to express his excitement about the partnership, stating, “As we embark on this exciting journey together, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the entire Africa World Airlines team for their dedication and hard work in making this partnership a reality. I also extend my appreciation to our partners at Travelport for their unwavering support and shared vision.”

“Together, we are confident that we can revolutionize the travel experience in Africa and make a positive impact on the lives of our customers,” he reaffirmed.


Both Travelport and Africa World Airlines realize the changing nature of the travel industry and are committed to staying on the cutting edge of innovation. They hope to use this collaboration to utilize cutting-edge technologies and best practices in order to make popular choices for African and international passengers.

The alliance between Travelport and Africa World Airlines represents a turning point in the aviation sector, offering improved connectivity, convenience, and service quality for passengers. It also combines AWA’s dedication to providing great service with Travelport’s cutting-edge technology and extensive network of travel agencies. This collaboration strives to improve offerings and provide exceptional convenience to passengers.

About Travelport

Travelport is a leading global travel technology company, providing distribution, technology, payment, and other solutions for the travel and tourism industry worldwide. They are on a mission to simplify the complex industry they have known and loved for decades. Where others add features, they invent new solutions. They work with partners that share their passion for delivering exceptional experiences for travelers.

About Africa World Airlines


Africa World Airlines, founded by Togbe Afede XIV, is a privately owned airline. Its inception took place on November 15, 2010, with its inaugural revenue flight commencing on September 21, 2012.

The airline operates routes to various key destinations in West Africa, including Kumasi, Tamale, and Takoradi in Ghana, as well as Lagos and Abuja in Nigeria. As part of their continuous expansion efforts, they have forged strategic partnerships with several prominent international carriers, including South African Airways, Emirates, Brussels Airlines, ASKY Airlines, United Airlines, and Ethiopian Airlines. 

These collaborations are instrumental in fulfilling their corporate mission of providing seamless and cost-effective air travel options for both leisure and business travelers along our network. Africa World Airlines aspires to set the standard for quality air travel services in West Africa and beyond. Their commitment is to offer a welcoming, dependable, and affordable travel experience to all their valued passengers.


From left to right – Enoch Kumah, Network, Planning and Revenue Manager at AWA; Jonathan Appiah, Head of Commercial at AWA; Sunny Prakash, Regional Manager, Travelport; and James Parmar, Customer Success Manager at Travelport


The executives of Travelport and AWA cutting the cake to solidify the partnership

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