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People & Lifestyle Northern Ghana’s premier marketplace for Small African businesses


on Northern Ghana's premier marketplace for Small African businesses

n the bustling city of Tamale, a revolutionary change is taking root, driven by the ingenuity and determination of one man: Jonathan Kojo. His creation,, is not just Northern Ghana’s first eCommerce platform; it’s now the largest Made in Ghana shopping center in the city. Jowato’s journey from a local startup to a national powerhouse is a story of vision, resilience, and a deep commitment to promoting Ghanaian-made products.

The Genesis of

Jonathan Kojo’s entrepreneurial journey began with a simple yet profound realization: the artisans and small-scale producers in Northern Ghana had immense talent and unique products, but their access to larger markets was severely limited. was born from this need to bridge the gap between local producers and potential customers across the globe.

A Platform Empowering Local SMEs

Jowato’s primary focus is on empowering small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana. By providing a direct link to larger markets, Jowato eliminates the need for middlemen, ensuring that the artisans and producers receive the full value for their efforts. This approach not only boosts the local economy but also ensures that customers get authentic, high-quality Ghanaian products.

Expanding Beyond Borders

From its humble beginnings in Tamale, has grown exponentially. It now boasts sellers from all over Ghana and reaches customers in 19 countries. This global expansion is not just a testament to the platform’s success but also to the appeal and quality of Ghanaian-made products.


A Hub for Quality and Authenticity

Walking into Jowato’s shopping center in Tamale is like stepping into a microcosm of Ghanaian culture and craftsmanship. From exquisite handwoven Kente cloth to organic shea butter, from traditional crafts to modern cosmetics, Jowato offers a diverse range of products that embody the spirit and talent of Ghana.

Empowerment Through Technology

At the heart of Jowato’s success is its innovative use of technology. By creating a user-friendly online marketplace, Jonathan Kojo has not only provided a platform for local producers but also brought the convenience of online shopping to customers. This digital approach has been particularly impactful in expanding the reach of small businesses, allowing them to connect with customers they would never have reached otherwise.

Visit Jowato SME Marketplace

Whether you’re an SME looking to connect with bigger markets or a resident in Tamale searching for the best Made in Ghana products, Jowato SME Marketplace is your destination. This platform stands as a beacon of innovation and empowerment, showcasing the best of Ghanaian entrepreneurship and craftsmanship.

Join the growing community of buyers and sellers at and be part of a movement that is not just selling products but also telling the story of Ghana’s rich culture and heritage. Visit Jowato, where quality meets authenticity, and every purchase supports a local business. Welcome to Jowato – the heart of Made in Ghana.

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